Monday, May 29, 2017


Ada sesiapa yang boleh bantu,  bantu dengan ikhlas,  tanpa imbuhan.. 

Bantu nyatakan,  senaraikan fakta 1MDB yang boleh dibanggakan dan peranan PM sehingga ia begitu "sukses"..

Sangat penting,  sebab cuti raya nanti balik kampong,  kalau makcik bedah tanya,  paksu mat soal,  boleh gak aku jawab. 



  1. Kejayaan terbaru 1mdb adalah:

    penubuhan pejabat unit kutipan balik 1mdb (ala2 ptptn) spt alamat divawah.

    Unit kutipan balik 1mdb,
    tkt 26,
    no 1,Jalan Lilit1 Obor,
    Nanyang (wilayah 67 kembar Tibet)

    utk sebarang pertanyaan hubungi,
    Kondrad C.Peng (habok)

    Jgn lupa , blk lar yet nandi kasi gong xi marlumat sama makcik, pakcik.
    Xilamat Memposa !

  2. Hello Anon 2:21 AM.....tak reti bahasa ke. Sekarang ini bulan Ramadhan. Jangan tabur fitnah. Jauhkan diri dari kontrovasi, tingkatkan amalan.

    1. Anon 4:46, citer sikit apa hebatnya 1mdb yang kau pertahankan tu, citer sebenar jangan fitnah

      Kalau tak ada cakap tak ada jangan hipokrik, jangan tuduh org fitnah kau sendiri pun tak tau..

  3. Ooiii Anon 5:28 AM....bukan mempertahankan 1MDB, tapi hormat la sikit bulan Ramadhan Al Mubarak ini.
    Menulis akan perkara yang baik baik,bercakap akan perkara yang baik baik dalam bulan Ramadhan Al Mubarak ini. Itu yang dituntut oleh Allah SWT.

    1. Anon 6:14. Mengaji tak habis.. Ikut perintah Allah dan jauhi larangan 24 jam..gandakan kebaikan di bulan Ramadhan.

      Penyamun tetap penyamun, haram tetap haram, tak jadi halal sebab Ramadhan.

  4. Bila diberi peluang cakap apa bestnya sangat 1mdb, semua kaku.. Otak dah jem.

    Bila disebut skandal, melalak kata fitnah.

    Memang tak ada langsung integriti puak ni, tupasal ajak debat, lariiiiiii

  5. Alo kawan 614 ahh , wa la toi luu !! Lu mo tiaw sinili syiok oo.
    Tapi , wor kasi tau lu aahh, wa pun Muselim Hui, wa lang lama islam lulu.
    Itu jam aah, lu latuk lagi tangkap babi hutan makan.
    Wa pun tau Lamadhan mau muria, itu pasat wa mo kasi tau lu itu mungkal, apa itu mungka..haiyah itu kilija yahat laa, ku tau aah!!
    Kilija yahat mo kasi buka.1mdb mana ader fitnah punya.
    Lu puaser kosong sj tapi lu tilo kuat punya lang.
    Kilija busuk mesti lawan maaa, lagi manyak lapat pahara maa.
    Lu bacia tak habis maa, wor kisian lu ooo.

    Komdrad C.Peng,
    Unit kutipan balik 1mdb.
    1,Jln 1 Lilit Obor,
    Wilayah Nanyang

    1. Mangkok ayun..

      Gunakanlah Bahasa yg orang mudah paham

    2. Kpd komdrad 1025,114. yg brada di Nanyang,

      ko tak fsham tak ada hal komdrad.
      Nnt ansk cucu ko ak. faham.
      Oh, ko boleh cari nama mandarin,google contoh nama2 di Xinjiang. PRC

      Komdrad Atulaman
      Tibet, PRC

  6. Bantuan yg dinanti Tuan Blog KD, tak kunjung tiba.
    Mmg susah nk list kan benda yg tiada.
    Semua kroni warlord dh jadikan harta.
    1mdb cuma slush fund, asset mana nk ada.
    Kesian makcik felda sj yg dipaksa percaya.
    Dapat tshirt, nasi bungkus, yerus dijaja kangkong tv tiga.
    1mdb, songlap terbesar diDUNIA,

    Selamat berpuasa.
    Amal yg baik, hancurkan yg mungkar

  7. Assallamualaikum KD,

    Salam Ramadhan,

    This is in PDF and clear as a crystal.


    Otherwise baca lah Rausyanfikir atau Wan Faysal profound analysis on this, such a formidable yet humble scholar!

    Or SatD is another.

    However in brief, keywords in 1MDB SCANDAL (sesiapa mengata FITNAH your argument is/are INVALID) carian di 1MDB website itself would suffice though incomplete for reason/s the whole world has known that only in Malaysia anything 1MDB is sacred but from the outset the world knew that 1MDB is FILTH as shit!

    TIA warped into 1MDB

    Article 117 at the inception traces the FINAL AUTHORITY is LANUN-BUGIS (tidak FITNAH ia ada dalam perlembagaan 1MDB)...the bucks stops with him! Sekarang TEMBELANG PECAH dia cuci tangan dan tengah sibuk gali lobang baru untuk kambus lobang yang dah terlalu besar untuk di kambus. See last line later, OK?

    Task ada keluar kenyataan they knew about Rosmah's Account....then went into dead sonar and/or hibernation!?

    DISBANDED (or is it?) TASK FORCE
    By REMOVING Ghani Patail as AG due to illness yet he gets sit on a Board somewhere along with admission to the BAR (back to Private Practice!?)...err sakit!???

    BNM's Zeti stayed muted buying time till her RETIREMENT albeit prior BNM did PENALISED the AMBank that deal 1MDB tranches....for 50 million paid due to NON-COMPLIANCE breaches...details? Ask BNM so not speculating....

    Abu Kassim 'STEPS DOWN' 2016 (not retire ok) yet still serves as MACC's Officer until his retirement in 2020...huh???

    KPN - This is a mystery because PDRM still 'ongoing investigation' 1MDB case even after PAC came out with probable case (despite being cold-storage) and Auditor General did reported some 7 Billion UNACCOUNTED for!

    And key persons of interest ie. Sharol Halmi Azmi & Riza Aziz & Joh Low yet PDRM cannot 'LOCATE' these individuals??? Riza has been seen tagging along couple of times with the PM01 entourage whilst Sharol has an office by the PMO. Meanwhile Jho Low is easy target because his HUMUNGOUS YATCH could be traced by satellite at any given time. So ask yourselve whether Ketua Polis Negara or Ketua Polis Najib is anyones' guess but being a democracy you get to pick KPN = ???! Nak cari sampai lobang cacing???

    Before it slips, PAC by the way was headed by some shortie name Nur Jazlan whom was so gung-ho assuming the appointment sort of nak siasat sampai lobang cacing...tapi a 'BIG-LOLLYPOP' come his way and he gets to become TM, Timbalan Menteri atau Tentera Macai is a blurry concept! Then you get someone whom could be on leash, pepatah melayu apa tuh "...LEMBU diCUCUK HIDUNG...?" managed to BURRPED "...saya pun nak cari makan..." kind of things so the rest is a THEATER!



    Sekarang what happened AUDIT jadi OSA, SIASATAN jadi TAPAI?

    krik krik krik....MACC tolong siasat kes 1MDB, krik krik PDRM apa masih mencari lobang cacing?

    At the end of the day the PIT-HOLE is not quite big that the current overwhelming effort to find 'new dirts' to cover the existing ever-growing PIT-HOLE are just not enough, hence the FIRE-SALES of MALAYSIA! To think about it, its not the PIT-HOLE but actually 1MDB SHIT-HOLE is/are so deep that you have not seen the bottom, period!


    PS. Saya sayang TANAH MELAYU sangat sangat walau duk AMERIKA.

    1. Its a sad state. Its taboo to even talk of 1mdb. Journalist will look the other way.
      Chief lanun has bought over Ayahbetullah Ed Wang , the Taliban.
      Looks like the majority malayu will remain dungu. If no help cones ...SEA is next IS Middle East.

  8. Perjuangan menentang kemungkaran..rompakan..penyamunan..tak kira bulan.. Rasulullah pun dulu pernah berperang di bulan puasa...

  9. Kalau dah 1mdb itu tiada manafaat, asyik rugi bayar hutang, gadai harta negara, pwluang pekerjaan pun kosong...


  10. Di Singapura hari in....

    Monetaru Authirity of Singapore (MAS) mengenakan financial penalties kepada UOB dan Credit Suisse kerana penglibatannya dengan Money Laundering 1MDB.

    Lanun Bugis Boleh!!!

  11. SPRM tangkap la banyak mana pun.Lalat Enain dan langau Kiuseben meroyan copy paste lah byk mana pun. Prof kangkong bual bicara sehala kerap mana pun , tak bermakna lagi !!
    Selagi PDRM, Bank Negara,SPRM, Media tak berani ulas bebas,selagi mufti atau mana pihak "agama" terus asyik beretorik mengetar dagu pun tak guna.
    INYEGRITI sudah longkang.
    TIADA MAAF BAGI UMNOPAS, dan komdrad broker BN nya.Apa tunggu lagi?
    Cepat bubar, kita PRU.



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