Thursday, May 10, 2018



Seperti yang dikatakan Tun sendiri,  sebelum lagi menjadi PM,  beliau sudah pun mempunyai penyusunan agenda untuk menguruskan negara sebaik sahaja mengambilalih kerajaan terutama spa yang dijanjikan dalam 100 hari. 

Tubuhkan kabinet baru dan singkirkan Ketua Jabatan harus menjadi keutamaan. Dalang² ini lah yang berperanan membantu kemungkaran pemimpin umno. 1mdb dan jho low harus ditangani apabila kerajaan mempunyai maklumat yang lebih lengkap sebelum bettindak. 

# Wassap ini keluar dalam group umno. 
Sekadar peringatan : Mana2 pejabat yang masih gantung gambar PM lama, sila turun cepat2.. Giler ape gantung gambar ketua Pembangkang..😅



  2. Apa pun aku tetap syg umno bn yg membela melayu islam..korang tggu la apa nasib melayu akan dtg jgn sampai cucu cicut kencing atas kubur korang sebb bodoh naikkan cina dap

    1. Melayu Islam yang berakhlak Rasullullah dan amanah seperti Tun, insyaAllah, bukan sahaja tidak gentar kepada DAP malah akan bertindak ke atas china komunis.

      Orang yang beriman atas taqwanya, bukan kerana kulit seperti jubah serban dan memperalat Islam dibibirnya bukan sahaja digeruni DAP, malah syaitan dan iblis pun takut.

    2. kubur anda akan dikencing sekarang kerana bersubahat dengan penyamun umno dan pemimpin hipokrit PAS

    3. Yang depa dok belai cina ChinA yg pure kominih tak sebut pula yer. DAP DAH 60 TAUN DOK MESIA nie yg dok takut2. PAS pula sbg parti yg kononnya islamik sepatutnya mendekati DAP, terangkan risalah Isle, bkn bermusuh. Apa pinya turrr daaa...Tengok Penang lar bodo. Ancaman kristian sebenar adalah dari Sabah dan orang2 indon kristian di mesia. CINA MAJORITI teoisme, bangang.

    4. Alo encik... Kami rakyat Malaysia Dah tak Jln la dgn isu dap ni. Simpan utk diri sendiri... Jgn hasut keluarga plak.. Teruk betul la org mcm ni..

    5. Kesian insan satu ni..dah berpuluh2 tahun kot kena kencing dgn umno sampai dah tak kenal mana air kencing mana air bersih..isk3

    6. Yela2 dap baik..kita tgk la mcmna akn dtg

    7. Bukan ada menteri kau dulu ckp tak kisah utk bekerjasama dgn DAP? Ohhhh.. Kalau dgn kau boleh bekerjasama. Kalau dgn orang lain, DAP jahat. Akal busuk.

    8. Kah kah kah..
      Nazri dh x langsi lg ke?

      Kah kah kah...
      Ke dh nk lompat parti. Alang2 dh ada kerusi, mane tau dpt jdk menteri lagi.

      Kah kah kah..
      Gerakan pun dulu jahat. Lepas masuk BN jadi baik.

      Kah kah kah..
      DAP kalau masuk BN pun boleh jadi baik.

      Kah kah kah..
      Yg jahat ni semua yg xnk masuk BN.

      Kah kah kah..
      Xlama lagi org tua baling gelas xpecah nk haramkan UMNO.

      kah kah kah..
      Baik korg nyanyi lagu anak kecil main api cepat2 sblm kena haram. Lps tu post kt utube n fb. Tajuk kasi mengancam biar viral.

      Kah kah kah..
      Nk kekah projek dh xboleh. Nk menangkis fitnah kt media perdana pun xdpt.

      Kah kah kah..
      Pengabisan sekali melayu semua mati sebab umno dh xberkuasa

  3. Apapun, Allah dah beri kejayaan atas apa yang kita sokong, alhamdulillah.

    Ujiannya sekarang: Jangan pula kita melampaui batas.

    1. Tahniah kpd pemenang. Setelah rakyat tunaikan apa yg diminta oleh ph, maka giliran ph sebagai kerajaan tunaikan janji² yg dijanjikan.
      1. GST perlu segera dimansuhkan. Pastikan barang² dan perkhidmatan yg kena GST sblm ini turun nilainya. Pastikan duit rakyat lebih nilai mulai semalam.
      2. Harga minyak mesti menuju ke nilai RM1.50 seliter. Ini perlu disegerakan sbb itulah punca anak muda pas & umno swing undi ke ph. Beban poket isi minyak yg jd isu mereka dan ramai lg swing undi ke ph.
      3. Hahahaha...kakitangan awam tak pedulipun bekas pm najib janji nak naikkan satu kenaikan gaji julai nanti jika menang. Manifesto ph juga ada sebut pasal menaikkan gaji kakitangan awam. Jangan janji saja beb, kalau najib janji bukan julai, apa kata ph yg dh jadi kerajaan buat lebih awal. Bulan jun lebih sesuai. Swing undi kakitangan awam jgn dilupakan!

      Antara yg dijanjikan oleh ph, so buktikan memang ph mampu melaksanakannya..

    2. Eh, kata manifesto PH, tak realistik..

      Now terhegeh hegeh menagih, duit dedak dah habis kot..

      Gi lah isi ppetrol. Muroh seghoti

    3. Kau tak layak menuntut janji2 PH.
      Kau tak undi PH pun so itu bermakna kau tak endorse janji2 PH.

      Skrg PH dah menang. So orang2 seperti kami yg mengundi PH ni yg akan tuntut kemudian.

      Kau pegi sana duduk diam2...atau lagi bagus kau pegi jilat najip dan rosma least dpt la sikit dedak!!!

      Kah kah kah


  5. Belum apa2 dah tunjuk kezaliman... ditaktor dan kegilaan korang semua..... berhemahlah bila bertindak.... kalau nak ikut keuramaan PM-7 pun harus disiasat... sebab dari dulu sampailah seblum dijilat pemimpin pakatan harapan yang lain.... batang tubuh itulah yang ditusuh dan dikexam dengan pelbagai... antaranya kepala perompak... sudah lupa? ...atau buat2 lupa?

    1. Statement kecewa ke suharli?

      Masa najib berkuasa, kenapa tak dakwa Tun?
      Sebab tak ada bukti kan?
      RCI pun kantoi kan?

    2. Takziah wak!! Nak bising skang dah x guna! Dulu kitorg suruh dakwa tun, x buat!! Jdi terimalah seadanya!!

    3. Sabarlah. Yg 6 belum lg disiasat, kau nak pergi ke 7. Tak tau kira ke? Kihkihkih

    4. Betul tu..

      Waktu yg nombor 6 berkuasa..dia tak bawak pulak yg nombor 4 tu ke mahkamah..buat RCI..dia sendiri pulak kantoi..

      Skrg nombor 7 dah berkuasa...ikut logik kena siasat habis2an yg nombor 6 le..

      Itu pun kau tatau ke suharli?

      Kah kah kah

    5. muka tak malu masih nak menempel kat blog ni...masih nak teruskan agenda hasutan ke???kasihan sungguh sape yang dapat anak cam ni.

    6. Sisa2 dedak ada lg...jap lg senyap lerr

  6. Ehh ade la. .. Bro, Ko pegi Kat shahbudin... Ramai Rindu Kat Ko. Aku pun Rindu Ko gak... Dah 2 3 hari tak nampak.. . Udah2 lA tu. Pegi la Cari keje.. Sampai bile nak Makan dedak... Tak baik utk perut.. .

  7. Insentif Yang Di janjikan Pakatan Harapan Dalam PRU 14

    *▶ Insentif Pakatan Harapan memenangi PRU 14:*

    1. Gaji Penjawat Awam/Pesara dan Bonus di! tingkatkan.

    2. Gaji Penjawat Swasta bermula Minimum RM1500.

    3. Elaun Kebajikan/ Oku/Ibu tunggal Di tingkatkan untuk Minimum permulaan RM800 - RM1000

    4. Bantuan pasangan berkahwin RM500 Seorang untuk perkahwinan pertama.

    5. Lesen motosikal Percuma.

    6. Mansuh GST.

    7. Stabilkan Harga minyak di bawah paras RM1.50 seliter.

    8. Bantuan Pendidikan Percuma.

    9. Bantuan Pesakit Buah Pinggang,pesakit Jantung Bagi rawatan berkos Tinggi.

    10. Subsidi Air percuma dan Bil Elektrik.

    11. Mansuh PTPTN dan nikmati biasiswa/ pendidikan percuma.

    12. Salur Agih kekayaan mengikut kawasan dan daerah tercicir pembangunan.

    13. Wifi percuma Berkelajuan Tinggi Bandar serta Luar Bandar.

    14. Menstabilkan harga barang.

    15. Bantuan Duit Dapur bagi isi rumah berkahwin/ ibu tunggal kepada Rakyat Miskin serta berpendapatan rendah sebanyak RM250 sebulan.

    16. Kad Peduli sihat Rakyat setahun RM500.

    17. Pinjaman Peribadi Penjawat Awam untuk tempoh 10 Tahun di naikan semula kepada 20 Tahun bayaran.

    18. Royalti Minyak kepada negeri negeri di tingkatkan Royalti.

    19. Mencegah Ketirisan khazanah negara serta mengagih kekayaan kepada Rakyat.

    20. Menghapuskan Tol di seluruh Malaysia.

    21. Harga kereta baru lebih rendah serta cukai kereta import di turunkan.

    22. Mewujudkan Peluang Pekerjaan lebih banyak.

    23. Mewujudkan peluang mesra usahawan/Peniaga kecil serta pinjaman mudah.

    24. Bantuan Persekolahan tahunan kepada Pelajar sebelum sekolah di buka tahun baru.

    25. Cukai insuran kereta di turunkan kepada kenderaan di bawah 1500CC.

    26. Memperbanyakan Rumah mampu milik bawah RM100,000 dengan insentif bantuan kerajaan.

    27. Siaran EPL Percuma kepada Rakyat Malaysia.

    28. Mengutamakan wang poket Rakyat mencukupi.

    29. Agihan Percuma Sekampit Beras setiap bulan kepada setiap isi rumah berkahwin miskin serta berpendapatan rendah.

    30. Insentif tunai Kelahiran Baru.

    31. Insentif tabung Pendidikan Awal kepada bayi,kanak2 hingga dewasa.

    32. Menarik pelabur asing lebih banyak.

    33. Menjadikan malaysia dan Rakyat berpendapatan tinggi menjelang 2020.

    34. Mengurangkan kos sara Hidup Rakyat.

    35. Khidmat kesihatan Percuma.

    36. Sistem Giliran Perdana menteri hanya 2 penggal.

    37. Menjadikan badan SPRM. Bebas serta lapor terus kepada Parlimen.

    38. Gaji Anggota Polis/Tentera akan di tingkatkan bagi meminima salah guna kuasa serta rasuah untuk golongan pasukan pertahanan/penguatkuasa undang undang.

    39. Menaik taraf kehidupan Rakyat.

    40. Menaik taraf infrastruktur kuarters Tentera dan Polis dengan lebih baik.

    41. Menghadkan campurtangan Perdana menteri terhadap jabatan jabatan kerajaan dan Syarikat GLC.

    42. Menghapuskan saman tertunggak pesalah lalulintas terutama kepada pesalah kesalahan Tiada lesen motosikal.

    43. Memansuhkan sistem AES

    44. Memberi kelonggaran berpolitik kepada seluruh Rakyat Malaysia.

    45. Mengembalikan wang Rakyat 1MDB di luar negara kepada Rakyat Malaysia.

    ��Semoga inisiatif PAKATAN HARAPAN serta mandat Rakyat bakal mengubah Malaysia serta Rakyat menjadi lebih baik demi malaysia yang tercinta.����

    10 Janji 100 Hari ialah senjata yg cukup ampuh Pakatan Harapan gunakan utk cipta tsunami politik di Malaysia...

    Rakyat tak peduli, dari kalangan pemimpin Pakatan Harapan, siapa yg akan di pilih jadi PM...

    1. Hari ini menang, esok gst dimansuhkan. Td beli barang kedai rm2 ringgit, ada lg gst 12 sen setiap barang. Reset masih saya simpan, nak klim gst ni dgn tun madey ke dgn rafizi ni? Rakyat malaysia yg lain, sila simpan resit belian barang yg ada gst mulai semalam. Nanti boleh klim kpd kerajaan baru kita.

    2. Buat apa nak claim? Kau kan suka bayar gst? Kihkihkih. Jadi sila bayar mcm biasa.

    3. Buat apa nak claim? Kau kan suka bayar gst? Kihkihkih. Jadi sila bayar mcm biasa.

    4. Kitorg main main jer pasal gst!! Mmg kita suka gst, brg mahal dan bagai!! Kita gunakan sbgai isu pilihanraya jer!!! Kikikiki...najib dah kena game ngan kitorg!! He2 he2

    5. Hari ni kawin...xkan esok dah beranak?

  8. Minyak dah turun! minyak dah turun! Mlm td kita dh dpt pm. Hari ni minyak dh turun jd RM1.50 seliter

    1. Agak2 la nak turunkan hrga minyak pun!! Kan harga minyak ikut harga pasaran dunia!! He2 he2 he2

    2. Fake news ke bro? Nak kena tangkap bawah akta baru? Kihkihkih

  9. Undang undang tetap undang undang. Umno telah melanggar perlembagaan nya sendiri dan diselamatkan oleh ROS.
    Bukan dendam tp patuhi lah undang undang

  10. Sekadar nk bertanya KD, kalau negeri itu diperintah oleh PH,adakah ketua kampung yg lantikkan kerajaan bn perlu diganti dgn ketua pro PH? Kalau boleh aku nk buat usul utk tukar ketua kampongku.

    1. Kalau negeri bawah ph, akan ada seorg shj ketua kampung dri ph. Tidak dipastikan umno akan meletakkan ketua kampongnya sendiri seperti mana dikelantan dimana satu kampong ada dua ketua, satu dri pas dan satu dri umno!

  11. Jgn lupa benteras habis2san pendatang asing(pati)..bersepah dh mereka nii..

  12. Perhatikan permainan politik kotor umno najib dan rosmah, masih ingat pengumuman najib dalam sidang media khas PRU14 tempohari? ianya berbunyi begini:

    "Oleh kerana tidak ada sebuah parti yg dapat simple majoriti (dlm pru14 ini) maka seri paduka YDPA bakal membuat keputusan siapa dilantik..."

    Ternyata sebelum media ini, YDPA telah memangggil wan azizah jam 3.00 pagi untuk memujuk beliau menjadi PM.

    Najib dan Rosmah amat mengetahui antara wan azizah dan tun, maka wan azizah lebih lemah dan lebih mudah untuk dimanipulasi.

    Sumber Dalaman amat mengetahui YDPA mempunyai hubungan amat rapat dengan najib dan rosmah sehingga memanggil mereka berdua auntie dan uncle.

    Tidak menghairankan dengan pengaruh mereka berdua meminta YDPA memujuk wan azizah supaya menggantikan tun, seterusnya melakukan kerja2 haram mereka dengan mengisytiharkan akta MKN dan sebagainya.

    Adakah benar atau tidak

    bagaimana altantuya dibunuh? Kevin morais? Najad ambank diperlakukan?

    Syukur kita memanjat Alhamdullillah, dengan kuasa Allah perkara tidak di ingini tidak berlaku.

    Baca kronologi yg berlaku malam keputusan PRU14 dibawah ini.....


  13. Bersambung dari atas, (kredit kepada fb zulfahan pagon)....

    This is a view of what went on last couple of days after the trouncing of BN by PH. I doubt any malaysian publicationm will account the event as ST SG did here. Its a good read.

    Straits Times Singapore
    Malaysia election: How power changed hands in 24 hours from Najib to Mahathir

    KUALA LUMPUR - The drama that played out on television screens, which ended with 92-year-old Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad being sworn in as Malaysia's new Prime Minister around 10pm on Thursday (May 10), made for gripping viewing.

    But far more tense and suspenseful was the theatre that unfolded behind the scenes.

    It involved, The Straits Times has learnt, the interpretation of a tricky constitutional clause, the offer of premiership being made to Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) chief Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and the intervention of three top government officials who went to see the King to persuade him that the post of prime minister should be offered to Dr Mahathir.

    All this while, rumours swirled that the Palace was delaying the appointment of Dr Mahathir to the post - rumours that the King came out to deny.

    Malaysia's handover for power from the Barisan Nasional alliance that has ruled it since independence to the Pakatan Harapan coalition saw many twists along the way.

    By 10.30 pm on Wednesday, the writing was on the wall. Malaysia's BN coalition government led by Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak was staring at a historic electoral defeat, with its bigwigs falling like tenpins.

    Second finance minister and key Najib lieutenant, Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani, was trounced in the Titiwangsa parliamentary seat, an ethnic Malay-dominated urban stronghold of the United Malaysia National Organisation (Umno) in the capital Kuala Lumpur that it had been confident of winning.

    In the Najib camp panic was spreading fast. "It is very close and the people should only consider what the EC (Election Commission) declares as official (results)," one close advisor to the premier told the Straits Times, adding that "other options" were being looked into.

    But the EC, which had been accused of pandering to every whim of Umno and the BN in the run-up to the country's most competitive polls, was surprisingly silent.

    Meanwhile, tensions were building in the opposition camp headed by Dr Mahathir, ensconced in a large function room of the recently-completed Sheraton Hotel in the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur.


    The refusal by the EC to validate results at several polling stations prompted Dr Mahathir to raise the ante by declaring that the opposition had won.

    Relying on a screenshot from a digital board at the highly classified security operations room of the national police, that kept real-time updates of the electoral counts, Dr Mahathir told Malaysians before a nationally-televised press conference just after midnight that his opposition alliance had secured more than a simple majority in the 222-member parliament to form the next government.

  14. The screenshot of the digital board, that was spread over WhatsApp, showed that his coalition had swept 127 parliamentary seats and 282 state assembly seats, with the BN trailing in its wake with 86 seats and 193 seats, respectively.

    Dr Mahathir's claims of victory effectively pushed Malaysia into unchartered waters.

    The BN has been the only governing alliance that Malaysia has knownsince independence in 1957 - with no history of handing over power to a different political party at the national level.

    In the hours to follow, several of the country's largely ceremonial but highly influential royal households would spurn Dr Mahathir as the opposition's candidate for premiership. He would also be forced to stare down threats of a possible declaration of Emergency, and the risk of cracks appearing in his fragile coalition as Mr Najib claimed that the election had produced a hung parliament.

    In the end, the wily politician would prevail and leave Malaysia's King with little choice but to swear him in as the leader of Malaysia's new government in a simple ceremony at the National Palace that began at 9.30 pm yesterday, making him the world's oldest serving prime minister at 92.

  15. Despite the electoral win, the offer to form the next government did not come Dr Mahathir's way easily. A post-election drama - pieced together from the accounts of several players directly involved in it - played out behind the scenes, underscoring the complexity of Malaysia multi-ethnic politics and the many challenges the country's new government is set to face.

    Last night's political impasse began with rumours that the embattled Najib administration was considering to suspend the electoral process and declaring a state of emergency.

    While talk of an Emergency would later be proven unfounded, it wasenough to force the country's royal households to intervene in the unfolding political cliffhanger.


    The Straits Times has learnt that the country's urbane deputy king, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah of the Perak royal household, ordered the chief of police to maintain order and ensure that the outcome of the poll was respected.

    Sultan Nazrin then conferred with his brother ruler, Sultan Muhammad V of the Kelantan royal household, who is also Malaysia's current King, seeking his intervention in the unfolding crisis.

    Palace edicts were quickly issued to the Election Commission not to hold back on declaring the results and to jumpstart the process for any handover of power.

    At the time, unofficial results revealed that the Mahathir-led Pakatan Harapan coalition, comprising four parties, had won enough seats to make up a simple majority in parliament.

    But unlike the BN, which is officially recognised as a coalition, the opposition line-up has yet to be formally registered.

    That led the candidates from three members of the opposition alliance - Dr Mahathir's newly established Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, the Democratic Action Party (DAP) and Parti Amanah Negara - to contest under the banner of PKR.

    The electoral gambit to contest as a single party clearly worked, with the alliance securing control of 104 seats in Parliament under the PKR ticket, and its allies in Sabah and Sarawak capturing another 17 to give it the simple majority needed.

    But the one-banner strategy also raised several prickly legal and constitutional issues.

    Malaysia's constitution states that the leader from the party with the most seats won in Parliament would be invited by the King to be appointed as prime minister to pave the way for the formation of a government that may require a working relationship with other parties.

    By virtue of that provision in the constitution, Sultan Muhammad V invited Dr Wan Azizah for an audience at around 3am on Thursday morning and, according to people close to the situation, the King stated that he could not accept Dr Mahathir's nomination as the candidate for premier because he was not the leader of the dominant party in Parliament.


    Dr Wan Azizah was told that it would be more acceptable if she was presented as the candidate for the premiership.

    No one slept much that night, certainly not Dr Mahathir who told a press conference yesterday afternoon: "I was very sleepy this morning. I got up late. Lots of people got up late."

  16. The stalemate with the Palace had not been resolved when he spoke. It had deepened at around 10am, when the EC broke its silence and provided an updated set of results, declaring that no single party had secured a clear majority to lead.

    Mr Najib latched on to the EC announcement to declare that his BN accepted the verdict of the people but the elections had produced a hung parliament. This triggered speculation that the BN would attempt to entice opposition candidates to cross over to its side and bolster its numbers.

    Against this uncertain backdrop, Dr Mahathir appeared shortly afterward, on a nationally-televised press conference to declare that all the elected candidates from the opposition coalition had unanimously agreed to nominate him as their prime ministerial candidate.

    The letter was supporting his candidature was handed over to the Palace at 1.38 pm. At 2.45 pm, the EC handed the official results to the King. But there was one more card to play.

    To strengthen Dr Mahathir's case, the PH leadership also persuaded three top officials to meet the King and offer their reading of the situation. They comprised the Chief Secretary of Government, Tan Sri Ali Hamsa, who heads the civil service, Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Fuzi Harun and a senior member of the Armed Forces.

    In the audience with Sultan Muhammad V at around 3pm on yesterday, the three top government officials impressed upon the King the potential pitfalls that any delay in the swearing in Dr Mahathir on the national security situation, people close to the matter said.

    After this meeting, the Palace asked to see Dr Mahathir along with other coalition leaders at 5pm. Dr Mahathir did not attend the meeting, but Dr Wan Azizah, Mr Muhyuddin Yassin, Mr Lim Guan Eng and Mr Mohamad Sabu met him and confirmed that they supported Dr Mahathir as Prime Minister.

    This sealed the deal and at 9.30 pm Dr. Mahathir was officially sworn in as Malaysia's Prime Minister for the second time.

    But the long gap between the time he staked his claim to the post and his swearing drew an explanation from the Palace, which said: "Istana Negara strongly refutes any allegation that...Sultan Muhammad V delayed the appointment of Tun Dr Mahathir as Prime Minister."

    The long drama drew to a close.


    1. Betul tuan suharli..semangat umno semangat melayu makin membara sekarang ni..kita terus berjuang lawan terus lawan kembalikan maruah melayu islam

    2. hoi bangang belah la hoi nak promote umno bukan kat sini...apa blog pro umno masih tengah berkabung ke akibat kekalahan yang memalukan maruah2 sibangang semua.
      korang tu dah la bangang pertahanankan lagi pemimpin korang yang super bangang tu.
      hanya ketua bangang je yang mengembangkan layar ketika sauh masih dilabuhkan...

  18. Belum angkat sumpah sbg PM dah umumkan cuti utk Khamis & jumaat, boleh pula. Yg lain tu knp tak boleh? Contohnya spt mansuhkan GST, umumkan harga minyak baru yg lebih rendah & toll. Yg lain tu tak apalah slps kabinet dibentuk

    1. Tiba2 ada macai yg merengek mintak harga tol dgn minyak murah. Baru sehari BN jatuh takkan dah sengkek? Kihkihkih....

    2. Yang umum dan mengesahkan cuti tu ia lah pegawai kerajaan semantara..ali hamsa

  19. first day in power(again)already showed his arrogance!!

    1. Compare him to your ball-less najib...

      Kah kah kah

    2. Hahaha... Sentap ke?

  20. Yang ada apa² isu, kumpul dan simpan. .. Kita jumpa 2023 PRU15

  21. tak suka kt PH, sila migrate, kami haramkan ko dok kat Malaysia


Pendedahan Chegu Bard bikin madani goyah

Najib razak didapati bersalah dan dihukum - selesai. Diberi pengampunan oleh Agong Sultan Pahang dan didakwa  ada addendum Pertanyaan telah ...