Monday, August 22, 2016


Sudah lama diperkatakan dan dikenalpasti..

Tun hanya ulangi... Tapi tak cukup duit untuk bayar saman jika menamakan pihak terlibat.

Tun Dr Mahathir kena belajar dari lim guan eng., pungut 1juta tak sampai 1jam.

Sunday, August 21, 2016


India pun nak campurtangan juga ke? 

Ada nampak abang kunan di situ? 

Saturday, August 20, 2016


Bukan parti itu yang serba tak kena atau bermasalah tetapi parti dan pemimpin pesaing,  musuh dan kawan yang gelisah tak sudah.

Setakat ini BERSATU belum keluar apa apa kenyataan tapi sudah ramai tukang sihir,  tukang ramal, tukang tilik yang buat ramalan dan andaian.

Melaga lagakan memang tujuan utama.
Memperlekehkan memang perlu untuk menutup gabra sendiri.
Fitnah kepada pemimpin BERSATU jadi wajib muaakad.

Ada Muhyiddin minta jadi Ketua Pembangkang (?)
Ada Mukhriz meraung nak jadi PM (?)
Ada Mahathir minta projek untuk kroni (?)

Kalau tak ada kenapa di ada adakan.
Luluskan segera BERSATU untuk berdepan di padang yang betul.

Najib kena ikut cara Zahid,  fokus pada masalah dalam kain sendiri,  fokus tawan Kelantan,  tawan Selangor,  tawan Pulau Pinang... Tak perlu fokus pada Mahathir,  baling kaca pun tak pecah.

Perpaduan dengan PAS perlu disegerakan,  dimeterai perjanjian... Jangan pergunakan PAS,  jangan ulang PAS diperkudakan lagi... Jangan biarkan PAS tercari cari,  hidung tak mancung, pipi disorong...

Bila nama diperheboh seluruh dunia, jalan terbaik,  selamat... Berehatlah.
Zahid dan Hishamuddin dah nampak serasi...

Kj tu dah lama tunggu nak jadi PM.


Satu kelebihan kepada pemimpin kanan umno adalah apabila mereka hilang kuasa, boleh pula mereka bermandi peluh dan santai duduk di kerusi plastik bersama rakyat.

Mereka juga akan bercakap tanpa berlapik,  direct ke muka pihak yang terlibat, kaw kaw bagi penjelasan kepada rakyat. Antara sebab mereka berani bercakap adalah atas kapasiti mereka "bersih". Tidak ada file rasuah dan skandal..

Sebab itulah tak ramai pemimpin umno yang sokong dan turut jejak mereka kerana masing-masing dot dot dot.
ini adalah penggal terakhir umno jadi kerajaan,  bererti ini last kopek dot dot dot  !!!
* dot dot dot itu bermaksud berkhidmat untuk bangsa,  ugama dan negara seperti yang mereka sering laungkan... Takkan tak faham kot.

Berbalik kepada Muhyiddin dan Mukhriz (gambar di atas) ia membawa maksud adalah menjadi kewajipan setiap rakyat untuk menghilangkan kuasa pemimpin umno sebagai kerajaan supaya mereka sedar,  insaf dan boleh duduk bersama rakyat untuk memperjuangkan sesuatu kebenaran.

Bila jadi pembesar dan berada di atas, perjuangan mereka menjadi kelabu asap dan lupa daratan...

Dalam satu ucapan Najib di Tumpat supaya Tun Dr Mahathir tidak melampaui batas sehingga menghancurkan parti...

Pertama: Siapa sebenarnya yang merosakkan parti dan membusukan bangsa Melayu,  Islam dan Negara (?)

Kedua: Tun Dr Mahathir sudah keluar parti atas dasar tolak Najib dan penubuhan BERSATU bererti tolak umno.
Tun Dr Mahathir sudah tiada kaitan dengan umno dan samada parti itu lingkup atau hidup bergantung kepada mereka sendiri.
Najib perlu jaga batasnya kerana dia sudah tidak relevan untuk mengajak orang luar membantu menjaga partinya yang sedang rosak.


Pertama kalinya saya bersetuju dengan Presiden UMNO,  Najib bahawa dia mampu tinggalkan UMNO yang lebih kuat kepada penggantinya...

Persaolannya bila dan apa strateginya (?)

Lebih mudah,  lebih tepat,  lebih cepat dia berundur, insyaAllah UMNO sempat kuat terutama sebelum BERSATU diluluskan...


keduanya saling racist,  mempergunakan bangsa untuk menanam sikap membenci. Saling menakutkan ahli ahli mereka dengan soal "bangsa" dijual.

DAP membenci Islam untuk menarik kesetiasn penyokongnya dan UMNO menakutkan Melayu dengan ancaman tersebut.

Hakikatnya adakah pemimpin UMNO mengikut ajaran Islam sepenuhnya?  Mengurus negara tanpa rasuah dan menyamun?  Mereka takutkan Melayu dengan DAP tetapi mereka sendiri tidak takut kepada Allah.



Sedarilah bahawa DAP jelas secara konsisten nak buang title "Islam" dalam IC  rakyat Malaysia beragama Islam.

Selain menyatakan, masalah "faith" @ kepercayaan ni masalah peribadi masing2...

Skrg ni mereka nyatakan pulak nak cabar Akta 121(1A) pula....

Ini bakal menimbulkan implikasi yg besar terhadap apa2 keputusan yg dibuat oleh Mahkamah Syariah!

                                ■ ■ ■

Religion is a matter of personal faith and not the bureaucracy

Posted by admin.August 18th, 2016

I refer to the Court of Appeal’s decision on 17 August 2016 to dismiss an application to renounce Islam by three Bumiputera Muslim converts in Sarawak. The applicants were originally non-Muslims who had converted to Islam for marriage. Following the dissolution of their marriages, they are now, by their own declaration, no longer practising Muslims.

Central to this issue is the question of whether the civil or syariah courts should decide in such cases. In this instance, the three-judge appellate court panel decided that jurisdiction lies with the syariah and not civil courts, citing the Federal Court decision in the Lina Joy case, as well as their interpretation of Article 121(1A) of the Federal Constitution.

The 1988 insertion of clause 1A to Article 121 of the Federal Constitution does make clear that the High Court and its subordinate courts would no longer have jurisdiction on matters under the purview of the syariah courts. Read together with the Courts of Judicature Act 1964, which determines that the appellate courts are limited to the same powers as those exercised by the High Court, then it follows that the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court would not also have authority over the same matters.

However, this presents a constitutional dilemma.

Under the ninth schedule of the Federal Constitution, Islamic law and, correspondingly, the jurisdiction of the syariah courts are limited to “persons professing the religion of Islam.” Based on this premise, as argued by the applicants’ legal counsel who also quoted the dissenting judgement in the Lina Joy case, the syariah courts would not have jurisdiction over the applicants because they no longer profess the religion of Islam.

Religion a matter of faith

On such issues, we should take a leaf out of progressive decisions made by other Muslim countries. The Jordanian government, for example, recently announced that their citizens’ new identity cards would no longer indicate the holder’s religion. This is in adherence to the constitutional position that guarantees every citizen equality under the law, as well as to avoid discrmination on grounds of religion.

In defending the move, Marwan Qutaishat, head of Jordan’s Passport Authority, stated that “religion cannot be expressed with a written word or a beard.”[1]

The same logic holds true in the case of Malaysians. Religion should be a matter of individual faith, and not for the bureaucracy to decide. It defies common sense that someone is legally a Muslim even though they no longer adhere to to the faith. Even more so if they already profess a different religion.

Such a view is not only in line with the guarantee of freedom of religion as stipulated by Article 11 of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, but also the Qur’an, where it is determined that there should be no compulsion in matters of faith.[2] This is furthermore relevant for citizens of Sabah and Sarawak where Islam is not the official religion.

Direct petitions to the Federal Court

Article 121(1A) and the resultant creation of parallel systems of justice present a constitutional lacuna. Because of this grey area, many Malaysians spend years trying to seek redress from the judicial system. Besides conversion cases, child custody disputes involving Muslim and non-Muslim parents have also been difficult to resolve, with some cases lasting close to a decade before a final decision is made. Often, it is too little too late.

What is clear is that a solution is needed. As such, I would like to reiterate the need for the Courts of Judicature Act to be amended in two ways. Firstly, the Federal Court must no longer be limited to the jurisdictional authority of the High Court. In other words, the Federal Court should act as a final arbiter on all legal matters in the country.

Secondly, a procedure should be created to allow direct petitions to the Federal Court in matters involving constitutional rights and fundamental liberties, including matters of unclear jurisdiction, such as those that fall within Article 121(1A).

Not only would these amendments create a clear avenue for remedy in cases that overlap between the syariah and the civil courts, but it would also shorten the tedious process of going through the High Court and Court of Appeal, thereby saving time, resources and emotional anguish for those seeking legal redress.

If the government is unprepared to make such amendments, I will sponsor a private members’ bill to this effect in the next parliamentary sitting.

Zairil Khir Johari
Member of Parliament for Bukit Bendera
DAP Assistant National Publicity Secretary

Friday, August 19, 2016


Al kesah,  siang siang hari secara terbuka penyangak dah masuk satu rumah, dikebasnya duit dengan muka selamba,  sebelum keluar sebahagian duit yang dikebas sempat dicampak kepada penjaga rumah,  alasan, sedekah, saguhati.

Yang nampak penyamun tu masuk adalah kawan kawan dan jiran. Menjeritlah mereka supaya penyamun ditangkap,  laporan polis telah dibuat oleh jiran.

Mungkin kerana yang penjaga rumah tak report,  polis tak ambil tindakan walaupun penjaga mengaku menerima sagu hati atau sedekah..

Kenapa penjaga tak buat report kehilangan? sedangkan mengaku ada menerima habuan? Siapa lagi yang terima habuan? Mungkin penyangak datang atas jemputan...  Ingat lagi cerita P. Ramlee  !!

Kesah tidak berakhir di sini saja..
Penyamun sudah dikenalpasti..
Lambat laun nama penyangak akan disebut jua..


Pendedahan Chegu Bard bikin madani goyah

Najib razak didapati bersalah dan dihukum - selesai. Diberi pengampunan oleh Agong Sultan Pahang dan didakwa  ada addendum Pertanyaan telah ...