Showing posts with label Surendran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Surendran. Show all posts

Monday, August 22, 2011

Siapa Mandela-Malaysia

What Nelson Mandela did in 1963, Anwar Ibrahim did yesterday. Used in a righteous cause, the unsworn statement from the dock is a powerful tool against an unjust legal and political establishment. Anwar Ibrahim has rightly said that the outcome of his sodomy trial is a foregone conclusion. Now he has taken this judicial persecution and turned it into a weapon for the betterment of the nation.  

Menjadi satu keagungan dan kekaguman rakyat Malaysia atas apa yang Anwar buat dan berkorban untuk rakyat Malaysia.  Apa yang telah dilakukan oleh Mandela pada 1963 kini telah diulangi semula oleh Anwar yang tidak ragu2 untuk kita gelar dianya sebagai Mandela-Malaysia.

Cuma satu perbezaan, Mandela tidak LIWAT seperti Anwar. Mungkin Surendran penjilat boleh tolong jawab.

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