Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Sultan Selangor merupakan Ketua Ugama Islam NegeriSelangor Darul Ehsan.

Sewajarnya  jika Azmin dalam urustadbir kerajaan negeri mengabaikan Islam, umno Selangor tidak wajar membuat tuduhan melulu sebaliknya segera membuat aduan rasmi kepada Baginda Sultan.

Perlu juga merujuk terlebih dahulu kepada Exco Ugama Selangor (PAS) dan MAIS.


Para ulamak telah memberikan panduan untuk umat islam dalam menilai baik buruknya sesuatu perkara. 

Dalam ilmu usul fiqh, antaranya terdapat kaedah yang dikatakan "apabila terdapat 2 kemudharatan maka pilihlah mudharat yang lebih ringan kesannya". 

Menjelang PRU 14 yang akan datang, saya suka mengajak rakan-rakan untuk sama-sama kita menilai antara 2 pihak yang akan menjadi pilihan pengundi iaitu BN @ PH. 

Jika dahulunya rekod pentadbiran hanya ada pada BN tidak pada parti-parti pembangkang, namun kini tidak lagi. Kerajaan Negeri Sgor telah 2 penggal ditadbir oleh Pakatan. Begitu juga Kelantan & P Pinang.

Sebegai rakyat Selangor, saya lebih berminat untuk memperkatakan tentang kemudharatan di Negeri Selangor. Antara perkara yang mestidipandang serius oleh para pengundi di Sgor ialah:

1. Kegagalan kerajaan Negeri dalam menjamin kesucian akidah & syariat islam di Negeri Sgor. Buktinya sepanjang 2 penggal menjadi kerajaan tidak ada sebarang pindaan berkaitan penambahbaikan kedudukan Islam dilakukan oleh kerajaan Negeri. Ini mendedahkan kita kepada bahaya penyelewengan akidah seperti Syiah, Wahabi, Liberalisme Pluralisme yang semakin berkembang.

2. Tindakan YAB MB tidak menyekat pesta arak yang ingin diadakan di Sgor jelas menunjukkan yang beliau tidak menjunjung syariat islam. Arak adalah ibu segala maksiat. Membenarkan pesta arak umpama membesarkan kemaksiatan. Apa akan jadi dengan akhlak serta moral masyarakat jika kerajaan bersikap sambil lewa dalam isu yang sangat besar & serius seperti ini.

3. Kerajaan pimpinan DS Azmin Ali jelas menjadi "kuda tunggangan" kepada kafir DAP. Kerana itu tidak adanya agenda Islam dalam pentadbiran. Tidak adanya agenda melayu dalam pembangunan.

4. Penghinaan terhadap syariat Islam semakin menjadi-jadi semenyak Pakatan membentuk kerjaaan Negeri. 

5. Pemimpin politik dari kalangan orang bukan Islam semakin "kurang ajar" tidak menghormati kedudukan Islam & syariat Islam. Mereka pernah desak supaya zakat diagihkan kepada bukan Islam. Mereka menuntut kebebasan beragama bagi orang Islam. Mereka mencemari Masjid & surau. Mereka mendesak azan diperlahankan. 

Banyak lagi kemudharatan yang akan berlaku jika rakyat terus memberi mandat kepada Pakatan Harapan untuk mentadbir negeri apatah lagi negara. Justeru marilah kita meringankan kemudharatan itu dengan terus mengekalkan BN menerajui kerajaan persekutuan dan mengembalikan Negeri Sgor kepangkuan BN menjelang PRU akan datang. 

Tolak Pakatan demi mengelakkan kemudharatan yang lebih besar lagi merugikan!

Ikhlas dari,
Dato' Hj Zein Isma Hj Ismail
Ketua Penerangan UMNO Selangor
Rabu 27 Sept 2017; 20:56hr

Asking for the money back will have to wait for a future prime minister.

Apakah bermaksud lawatan dan perjumpaan PM dengan Trump tidak membawa apa² perubahan..
Pandangan Malott adalah sebelum berlaku pertemuan di atas.

Surat terbuka dari bekas Duta Amerika ke Malaysia.
What has happened to governance in Malaysia ? "A letter to the Malaysian People"

John Malott :

Some people were surprised when I said that the US government's seizure of assets - condos, mansions, hotels and art work - all of which were purchased with money stolen from 1MDB and the Malaysian people - was only the beginning.
It's true. There's lots more to come.

There will be criminal indictments coming, most likely including Riza Aziz and Jho Low, who both are very closely connected to Prime Minister Najib Razak.
There will be a mention in a future criminal prosecution of an "unindicted co-conspirator", who now is widely known as "Malaysian Official 1". When he no longer is in office, he will be indicted in th US.

Here are some thoughts about what happens next on the US side. The US government already has seized these assets, or asked other governments, such as Switzerland and the UK, to seize them.
They have been blocked.

Under US law, the next step is for Aziz, Jho Low and others to try and prove in a court of law that the assets that were seized from them truly were purchased with their own money - and not from funds stolen from 1MDB.

Of course, they cannot prove that. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) filing was meticulous, thorough and totally professional. The evidence is all there. It even includes the transcripts of wiretapped phone calls of a panicked Jho Low talking to his bankers.

Thanks to the FBI and the DOJ, it is so clear. We know where the money came from. It was stolen from the Malaysian people through 1MDB.

Your money, not ours.

As US Attorney-General Loretta Lynch and the others pointed out many times, the money was stolen from the people of Malaysia. The assets belong to them.
So the US government will hold all of the seized assets - the real estate, the paintings, the rights to "Wolf of Wall Street" etc - in trust on behalf of the people of Malaysia, from whom the money was stolen.

The assets will not belong to the US government.
(How ironic that the US attorney general seems to care more about this thievery than the Malaysian attorney-general does..)

In the meantime, the US government will rent out Aziz's condo in New York and his Beverly Hills house. It will take over the management of the hotels in New York and Beverly Hills that were purchased by Jho Low with the stolen money.

The US government will collect the profits from all future sales of the DVDs and TV rights of "The Wolf of Wall Street". The Monet and Van Gogh paintings will go on exhibition somewhere, so everyone can enjoy. And so on.

And all of the profit that is earned will be held in trust by the US government on behalf of the Malaysian people. It is your money, not ours.
What about Rosmah's son, Riza ?

Young Riza will soon be homeless. The US government has seized his homes.
In order to save itself and the films it has in production (including a new film about George Washington, starring Leonardo DiCaprio), I predict that Red Granite Pictures will get rid of Aziz.

So Aziz will be jobless too.

When the US government files criminal charges against Aziz (and I am sure they will), they will ask the court to seize his passport so he cannot leave the US.

The Malaysian Embassy in Washington may try to defraud the US government and issue a new passport to Aziz, with a new number, so he can leave the country. At that point, we will see how efficient the US government is at catching this.

If the Malaysian government asks for the seized assets to be transferred back to them, the US will do so.

But will Najib do that ? No. If Najib asks for the money back, it means that he is admitting that the money was stolen from the development fund that he headed, that the stolen money went to his stepson and his "advisor" Jho Low, and that he has been lying about this to the Malaysian people for years.

So, of course he will never do that.

Asking for the money back will have to wait for a future prime minister.

And why would Najib want to ask "for the money back" when he and his family and cronies already have it - or have spent it ?

An international pariah.
From an international viewpoint, this is the end of Najib. He is an international pariah. The world now thinks he is a crook. He is a fraud. The world will want nothing to do with him. He will not be welcomed anywhere. When he speaks to the United Nations General Assembly next fall, there will be only 30 or so people in the room, mostly Malaysians.

Other leaders will be embarrassed to be seen with him, to shake his hand, to be photographed with him.

As for Rosmah, her credit at Hermes and Tiffany's and elsewhere is now cut off. Those luxury stores now know the money was not hers. it was stolen from the Malaysian people. They do not want to be complicit in international money laundering. They have their own reputations to protect.

That is how the world will react. But how will the Malaysian people react ? Will Najib get away with this, back in Malaysia ?

I fear that the answer is yes. If so, it means that Malaysia is now in Mugabe-land.

The inspector-general of police (IGP) says that the US government never asked for cooperation from the Malaysian government in their investigation. Yet both the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and teh FBI have said that they cooperated with each other in this investigation. The IGP knows the truth, so why did he say otherwise ? Why did he lie ?

The Malaysian AG says that this is all 
speculation and innuendo, and that there is no proof of the US government's charges. Yet the US government has issued a very thorough, professional and detailed 136-page filing evidence with th court. It i there for the AG to read. Instead, why did he choose to insult the integrity of the US government ?

Why did he lie ?

As long as Malaysia's IGP and AG continue to deny the truth in the face of the overwhelming facts, we know where this is going.

How ironic it is, that is the US government - the FBI and the US Attorney-General - who are doing the job that the IGP and Malaysian AG should be doing.
As US AG Lynch said, this is the Malaysian people's money. It is not America's.
We want to give it back to you.

JOHN MALOTT is a former US ambassador to Malaysia,

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Monday, September 25, 2017


Kerajaan ada di seluruh dunia..
Kerajaan Persekutuan BN di Malaysia..
Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang..
Kerajaan Negeri Selangor .
Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan..

Salah satu istilah kerajaan sekarang ZALIM, bukan Tun yang kata, kawan kamceng Najib yang kata... Dia kata lagi " GST ADALAH KONSEP YANG ZALIM MENGIKUT ISLAM"


Jika ketua kerajaanya orang kapir (contoh Pulau Pinang) kalau zalim - wajib tolak - gantikan.
Jika ketua kerajaannya orang Islam (contoh Malaysia) kalau zalim - wajib tolak - gantikan.


Definasi zalim sangat luas..
Fahami lah mengikut konsep dan ilmu masing²..
Ia bermula, dengan menzalimi diri sendiri. Diikuti menzalimi pihak lain..

Bagi sebuah kerajaan...
Adakah pemimpin anda berakhlak seperti Rasululullah..
Se amanah Khalifah Omar Al Khatab..


Sistem Malaysia demokrasi dan raja berpelembagaan..
Pada prinsipnya:
Rakyat boleh mengekalkan kerajaan sekarang dengan mengundi BN.
Atau rakyat boleh pilih AMANAH, PKR, BERSATU membentuk kerajaan baru.

DAP bebas memilih menyokong mana mana parti (Kerajaan BN atau Kerajaan Baru) tetapi kekal minoriti dan bukan dominan.


Tanda tanda pemerintahan zalim..

Apabila tersedar dosa menipu dan menzalimi rakyat, pemerintah dihujung kuasa akan cuba memberi tekanan kepada pesaingnya secara ugutan, tangkapan, pemenjaraan jika pujukan (dengan mulut) dan bujukan (merasuah) tidak berkesan.

Pemerintah juga kelihatan cemas dan meluru ke setiap penjuru negara atau terbang ke serata negara untuk menagih sokongan.

Mereka juga akan menangkap kambing² hitam untuk menutup kurap panau mereka sendiri dan pihak penguatkuasa diminta melakonkannya.

Pemerintah juga secara tiba² menjadi pemurah kepada rakyat dengan pelbagai insentif dan tawaran percuma.

Rakyat berhak menerimanya tetapi mungkin sudah terlewat membalasnya dalam bentuk sokongan dan undi.

Kebiasaannya rakyat tidak memaafkan sebarang bentuk kezaliman dan meminta yang bersalah diseret ke muka pengadilan.


Bagi penyokong pemerintah yang zalim ini pula (mereka gelarkan diri mereka sendiri sebagai pecacai) apabila kehabisan ilmu dan hujah akan kelak mendapat penyakit kusta, penyakit hati dan gangguan saraf sel otak untuk berfungsi akan mula memaki hamun dan menuduh lawan mereka kapir atau ke neraka.

Hakikatnya mereka sendiri belum dijamin masuk syurga kerana terlilit dengan fitnah dan dedak.

Semoga Allah masih memberi mereka dan kita semua taufik dan hidayah, kembali ke ihdinass sirotolmustaqim.



Pendedahan Chegu Bard bikin madani goyah

Najib razak didapati bersalah dan dihukum - selesai. Diberi pengampunan oleh Agong Sultan Pahang dan didakwa  ada addendum Pertanyaan telah ...