Monday, June 26, 2017


Jumlah keahlian umno sekarang tidak cukup untuk menang pilihanraya.. 
50,000 yang datang beraya rumah PM juga tidak cukup untyk menang pilihanraya.. 

Zahid kena sempua semula,  bercakaplah benar walau pahit. 

# Tun masih hepi hepi beraya di london sepertimana obama sedang bercuti di bali ketika umat Islam Indonesia berhari raya. Apakah Obama masih sudi singgah bercuti di Malaysia atau dia sudah lupa kenangan selfi bersama. 


  1. Read donplaypucks and judge for yourselves....

  2. BTW KD,

    Even though you are trying to be nice by splurting a reasonable figures compared to gung-ho or rather gangster Zahid Haxxxi TPM(01) saying 75,000 are manifestation of the rakyats' sentiment towards Chief Thief M01...allow me to make some sense on this....

    At 50,000 people you noticed there were 2 queues to be padded with electronic detectors and at a speed of 5-7 seconds per do the numbers how long it takes to go through 50,000 people?

    The Raya Open Hours wasn't for a full 8 hour day isn't it?

    So, even when you tried to be nice it's more of an insinuation, I guess.

    Selamat Hari Raya



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