Saturday, February 20, 2010

2 Watak Di Atas Sana...

The following is full report from Bernama.“KUALA LUMPUR: Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, wife of the prime minister, has dismissed a talk that she is the hidden hand behind Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s decision-making process.“I have not heard about it, but it is not something that I am sensitive about as it is not true. Maybe I am a bit vocal or gregarious... I like to have friends, unlike Datuk Najib, who is a bit reserved.“But it does not mean that just because Datuk Najib is a reserved person, I am making the decisions... I am the type who voices my dissatisfaction, but once said, it is done. I do not harbour ill feelings,” she said in an interview on Hello Malaysia over BernamaTV at Wisma Bernama here on Friday.Rosmah said that although Najib was not a man of many words, he should not be underestimated.“I always tell others not to underestimate Datuk Najib. He is not easily angered but do not provoke him. When he becomes angry, there is no forgiveness for you.“Datuk does not say much but he registers what is happening around him. If I make a mistake, he will reprimand me. If he ever starts to stomp his feet, I will shudder.“What is important is that we are close to each other. We can talk things over. We laugh and share jokes. It is important that a leader should not become too stressed.“So, when he comes home, we watch tv together, we go out to dinner, together. In short, we are best friends,” she said.Rosmah said that she looked after her husband’s needs such as food, clothes and health.“When he is at home, I do not go out unless I have prior engagements. I also ensure that Datuk Najib stays fit by exercising at the gym.“I try to ensure that he is not troubled by having to haggle over petty matters as his thoughts should be on the people and the country,” she added.On another issue, Rosmah advised parents to get back to basics by passing on to their children the tradition of being respectful and thankful.Parents should not leave the responsibility of teaching their children entirely to schools, she added."I am taking a serious view on this matter. Why do youths nowadays fail to say thank you, do not feel they are indebted or do not have respect for others?"We need to have an awareness campaign, a programme to teach children to respect others. We may have to return to the tradition of mothers pinching us if we did not say 'thank you'."Nowadays, mothers no longer pinch their children. When their children make mistakes, they are not reprimanded," she said.On the PERMATA Pintar programme, she said that about 400 smart children attended a summer camp held at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia recently."Under the PERMATA Seni programme, a children's concert involving an orchestra, a choir and traditional performances will be held at the end of the year," she added. -- Bernama


Satu lukisan mengesahkan seribu cerita.

1. Agak malang Rosmah tidak pernah mengetahui persepsi tersebut sedangkan kalau dikumpulkan melalui media cetak atau maya, Rosmah tidak mampu membaca semuanya hingga ke akhir hayat.
Apakah Najib juga tidak tahu....

2. Apakah persepsi sebegini boleh juga di anggap 'murahan' untuk tidak ditangani secara bijak...

3. No wonder, Najib perlu mengenakan baju yang berwarna, bercorak ceria dan garang untuk menstabilkan apa yang di dalam 'dada'.

4. Pada rakyat dan ahli UMNO.... apa sudah jadi, apa nak jadi...

5. Wajah wajah seperti Muhyiddin dan Ku Li mungkin lebih sesuai untuk menghilangkan 'persepsi' wanita di sebalik tabir...
6. Penyelesaian yang terbaiknya bagaimana...


  1. Suroh aje Rosmah kunci mulut dia tak payah cakap banyak nak tolong laki dia. Orang meluat dan loya tengok muka dia yang sombong dan bongkak tu. Macam dia aje yang sekolah lebeh baik dia jadi Menteri Pembangunan Wanita dan Keluarga. Kesian Shahrizat nama aje Menteri Wanita tapi yang banyak cakap pasal wanita dan kanak2 Rosmah. Jangan2 Rosmah jugak Ketua Wanita Umno Malaysia. Kalau macam itu tak payahlah Sharizat jadi Ketua kalau tak ada taring. hisss hiss hissss!

  2. kesian .rosmah hanya mampu melakukan tapi tak perlu utk menyukai semua org,,,,org yg selalu melontarkan persepsi negative kebanyakan menilai melalui penglihatan tapi TDK menilai melalui SETELAH PERTEMUAN dgn seseorg yg dipandang negative . sebab tu islam melarang kita berpesepsi buruk pada setip org yg tdk kita kenali

  3. Boleh tanya?macam mana Rosmah tackle Najib?mesti ada cerita menarik sebab Rosmah dulu isteri seorang pembaca berita..betul ke?

  4. najib mana pernag bertanding.. semua dia dapat free.. NAJIB HEBAT>>BINI ORANG PUN DIA SAPU>>>TANYA SIAPA ROSMAH SIAPA BINI ORANG TUU



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