Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Harapan Baru Rakyat Malaysia


  1. Wahai akar umbi saya menyeru
    Anda semua ada kuasa penentu
    Mahukah disumpah anak cucu Gagal menyelamat umat melayu

    Tiada salahnya KBU bersolidariti
    Cukuplah ampu terus berhenti
    Najib nyata gagal wajib diketepi
    Berterus terang suruh berhenti

    Wahai Ketua Puteri remaja
    Termasuklah juga ahli2nya
    Tidak kah anda melihat realiti
    Jangan terus duduk berfantasi

    Ketua Pemuda janganlah tidur
    Gerakkan ahli berani menegur
    Umno dulu bukan yang sekarang
    Dulu kuat, sangat lemah semasa

    Ketua Wanita bangkitlah aktif
    Berani bersuara lagi kreatif
    Sekarang teruk dipandang hina
    Mereka dipimpin terus lena

    Wahai zahid menteri retorik
    Buat keputusan selalu flip flop
    Cannot act try not any magic
    Quit fast make a good hop

    Hishamuddin menteri poyo
    Buka mulut mesti di collaborate
    MH 370 hilang and dono
    No success, high failure rate

    Shafiee afdal exists or not
    Tak menonjol tak ada tribute
    Adakah tidak care we not
    Langsung tak ada contribute

    Wahai muhyiddin timb presiden
    Cukuplah bersabar buka langkah
    Andalah harapan rakyat majoriti
    Come pru14, BN kami pangkah

    Kepadamu Najib rakyat nasihat
    Caramu sumbang walaupun diajar
    Jangan tunggu anda perlu direhat

  2. Correct correct correct....

  3. Assalamuallaikum semua....

    Saya cukup bersetuju dengan cadangan YB Tengku.

    GST masih dalam kesamaran tentang tujuan sebenar. Oleh itu mesti ditangguhkan atau dimansuhkan.

    Buat masa ini kita sentiasa dimomok-momokkan dengan GST itu membantu rakyat yg kononnya akan mengurangkan pembelanjaan dan memfocuskan kepada needs. Tapi setakat dlm bulan ini, surat2 pemberitahuan dari syarikat berbentuk service sudah diterima mengatakan pembayaran BERTAMBAH sebanyak 6%. Antaranya IWK, health insurance, motor vehical insurance dan sebagainya.

    1) Adakah selama ini syarikat tersebut TIDAK membayar tax kepada kerajaan?
    2) Adakah ini merupakan 'loop hole' untuk Syarikat mengaut keuntungan atau 'instant profit'?
    3) Dimana yg dikatakan 'membantu rakyat'?
    4) Sebab GST pon masih samar... takkan disebabkan negara lain gunakan GST, kita pon nak ikut tanpa usul periksa?
    5) Adakah ini cara yg halus untuk MEROMPAK rakyat?

    Sesungguhnya Allah Maha berkuasa dan doa orang yang disakiti itu makbul.

    1. Apakah anda sanggat bijak?

    2. Anon 6.20 n 6.21,

      I believe you are the same person. My advice, prove that you have a bit of grey matter othrr than asking stupid questions like what you have done.

      No one can claim he or she is good. But criticisms need not necessarily are bad...you sound like avid fan and ball carrier of DSN. Fine but do not show arrogance and stupidity at the same time....sorry bro.

    3. ini semua sebab cinabukit bising cakap mereka bayar income tax tapi haram habuk pon tak bayar. tu gomen dah check tengok diaorang memang tax invaders. yang tak boleh lari ialah kuli gomen potong tiap bulan.

  4. I am not a politician, so i cannot say i am good. Knowing his performance as a minister, he has zero rate of success and 100% failure rate. If you can tell me specifically one successful job he has achieved, please indicate here without fear or favour.

  5. Sdra KD,

    1. Apa kata kalau combined effort of sdra sendiri dan DT dengan kerjasama AKJ n Zam bertemu dengan TDM, TDZ, Tengku Razaleigh,Tun Hamid CJ, Tun Haniff ex IGP, TS Musa ex IGP and others deemed fit to get them to meet Najib and his right hand men to sit down and thrash out things once and for all.

    2. I personally feel Najib is oblivious to his surrounding inspite of criticisms through different media.

    3. As rakyat, 2 scenarios at hand;

    a. Blog writers from both sides will shoot each other and Najib is safe in his comfort zone

    b. The ruling party will be crushed in the coming pru14 and proofs are in abundance and inevitable.

    4. The loser in this battle will be the innocent rakyat.

    5. Based on ground level feedback, voters are sandwiched between the love for the ruling party and the hatred for najib as PM.

    6. If nothing is done to checkmate this problem, i strongly believe anak cucu kita akan kencing atas kubur kita especially the leaders.

    7. Remember....no pain no gain. Act demi anak cucu kita

  6. Ku Li tak sehebat mahathir tetapi jika dubandung dgn Menteri2 lain dia lebih bijak dan pengalaman..

  7. Juga tak boleh harap. Apa dia harapan baru tu? X nk mulut singa tp lari ke mulut buaya?

  8. you do not even qualify to be a politician. otherwse you ll be much worse.;

  9. Anon 9.24......Unless you are not dumb and understand simple english, you better disappear from commenting.

  10. Yeeeeaaaah....
    924 sound very moronic indeed. Pity him.

  11. I agree with you 11.45......anon 9.24 not only sound moronic but a confirmed moron

  12. Ted Manoff....real malays do not gelabah and or gullible. We can sift through stacks of reality from fantasy, sincere personalities from ball carriers, rakyat's aspirations from false pretences, sincerity from hypocrisy. Only parasites would deny reality from all forms of hypocrisies



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