Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Pendedahan Zahid tentang cyber trooper yang tertinggal jauh,  hanya 6.6% yang menyokong umno,  kerajaan dan pemimpin sangat pahit untuk diterima, memalukan dan menghina kepimpinan Najib.

Kalau dibuat kajian mendalam,  mungkin 6.6% tu pun ada lah orang yang sama dengan identiti berbeza,  jangan sampai 2.6%

Mana nak letak muka beb!!!!
Sembang kencang rupanya orang yang sama,  copy paste.

Walaupun ada yang nak hiburkan hati sendiri kononnya wake up call dari Zahid,  hakikatnya itu adalah panggilan maut.

Mungkin ini adalah serangan balas Zahid kepada gang Kepala Ikan Busuk yang cuba sabotajnya.

Amaran awal oleh Zahid.


  1. ada orang mendaki dari bawah tapi akhirnya sampai juga di puncak. ada orang yang dah lama masuk pakatan tapi tak jugak sampai ke puncak pakatan. tapi ada juga insan istimewa yang terus diletakkan di puncak pakatan secara ekspress kerana yang lain-lain tu lembab dan lambat kot. jangan jeles ya.

    1. Inilah kualiti 6.6% yg tinggal.

    2. ada juga orang dah sampai puncak dia tidur. lebih parah lagi bila jadi ketua penyamun..

  2. Puisi Serampang Dua Mata:

    Ada orang yang sekaki saja nak sampai dipuncak tetapi di tuduh itu dan ini dan dijadikan buangan. Di tubuhnya pakatan baru, dicuba banyak kali naik ke puncak federasi namun tidak juga insan ini sampai di puncak. Semua kisah ini membawa pengajaran yang kalau dijadikan pedoman maka semua manusia akan berpijak atas bumi yang nyata dan paling utama: kalau pakai baju, jadikanlah badan sendiri sebagai ukurannya.

    Sekadar nukilan kosong. Tiada kaitan dengan kehidupan/kematian.

    1. Nukilan kosong maka dibalas jua dgn nukilan yg kosong.

      Ditubuhnya pakatan baru namun gagal naik ke puncak.
      Bilangan yg bergabung kedalam pakatan bercambah.
      Manakala yg berjuang #demi najis, suami dan keluarga semakin berkurang.
      Dipalit lg dgn pelbagai isu peribadi.
      Dicampur dgn gst dan pelbagai penarikan subsidi.
      Diharap berpijak diatas bumi yg nyata.

      Dahla tinggal 6.6%.
      Itu pun komen xde isi xde nilai syok sendiri alih tiang gol campur maki hamun nek tempoyak.

      Sekadar nukilan. Tiada kaitan dgn dedak/elaun

    2. Ya... anda sahaja yang betul
      ... Cuba Lagi

    3. Kikikiki.
      Suharli berpijak dibumi yg nyata x?

  3. 1 undi PKR, PAN & PPBM bererti 1 undi DAP jadi TPM & banduan peliwat jadi PM !

    Selamat Malaysia dunia & akhirat !!

  4. There's nothing to be expecting from Zahid lah KD...if the jawa guy can be PM01's accessory and came up with a story of "...saya sudah jumpa si penderma tuh..." before PM01 shot himself in the foot by admitting "...penderma penderma...%#$@!???".

    Its bottom line dUMNO-BN needed to be shown the door out from Putrajaya and all cabinet line-up headed by the 'KEPALA-BUSUK' are to be put on a stand and face the full breadth of the LAW ie. 1MDB, SRC, KWAP, Goodstar, Petrosaudi, IPIC, Jho Lo, Arul Kanda, Najibugis mother-of-all-theft-deceits-scandals! Its pure dereliction of duty and abuse of power...as simple as that, including si Jawa TPM!

    When an Oxford alumni, himself happens to be the rotten-fish-head leading Pemuda-dUMNO, what is there for any hope that the current establishment can correct itself?

    Its time to educate melayu-muslims-bumiputera-orang kampung, that whomever comes into 'FRESH' government will not in any way diminish the sanctity and privilege of Islam and Pribumi respectively and the protection of Conference of Rulers as its stated very clearly in the preamble and within the deed of the Constitution of Malaysia in all its glory and eternity!

    Kerajaan sekarang dah terlalu banyak sangat TEMBERANG, MENIPU dan MEROMPAK diikuti SALAH-GUNA KUASA semata mata dalam ketakutan due to the possibility of being cuffed and chained the minute these PENYAMUN fall from the throne!

    To the honkey-donkey-asslicking PM01 dirt, you will not be entertained and nor responded (however saint your reply were made to be such as guna agama bagai...) since you guys have reached the point of no return, as in your KEPALA-BUSUK-PENYAMUN-LANUN-BUGIS-PM01!!! Its your choice and you can keep being stupid forever more!

    1. By the way should someone comes up with a stale excuses that the remarks above are JUDGMENTAL...my answer is in AG APANDI ALI now world famous AG for not assisting via MLA to the Swiss AG and thats only one!

      Secondly by absolving (only in his own corrupt mind) PM01 from the PROVEN money in his PRIVATE ACCOUNT and in several tranches which is an offence if you read SPRM's Penal Code on CORRUPTION/S...AG has become the PROSECUTOR, JURY and JUDGE and EXECUTIONER all in a single swipe!

      By the same token to AG I too took the liberty to JUDGE PM01 GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT, senang cakap. So buat yang mengata the remark seperti menjatuh HUKUM, my answer is yes (based on the evidence so far revealed and via PM01's own admission that duit ada masuk dalam account dia despite his earlier TEMBERANG "...kalau saya nak SONGLAP tak akan bla bla bla...") hukum terjatuh hanya kerana dari mulut tuan punya badan sendiri yang terlalu banyak KELENTONG!


    2. Ya... anda sahajalah yang betul... Cuba Lagi...

  5. Kami rakyat Malaysia bersama-sama dengan beberapa Negara mengecam atas salah laku dan rasuah yang dilakukan oleh MO1 & Jho Low dengan mentekedarah wang Negara & Rakyat.......!!


    Zahid is perceived to have been "sidelined" immediately after his alleged meeting with saudi donor/donors/donor. Further his alleged sighting of a cheque really destroy all credibility.

    Someone whispered that the person who advised najib to admit he received the " arab donation" was zahid. Zahid thought that with KDN under his charge, all things would go according to planned plots and written scripts. That incldue AG's clearance of najib and IGP's non action on the many reports.

    When DoJ and singapore actions commenced, najib is exposed. That was why AG did not honour MLA with swirzerland and IGP failed to get interpol tobgo after nik, subuh, jasmine, jho low etc etc.

    When Yak admitted guilty followed by yvonne, yeo (finally convicted) and the recent jens conviction, najib has literally lost the game. Najib became suspicious of zahid's capability. Zahid actually had dragged down najib. Notwithstanding tha zahid continued to pledge full loyalty to najib.

    In retaliation came the allegation of him being "disturbed" as bagan dato division and the recent one on the perceived withdrawal of support by pro goverment bloggers. Any analyst would like to speculate the beginning of an end between najib and zahid.

    Zahid to crawl to tdm group is wdely and strongly speculated based on his past records....apologizing to LKY and TDM (over cronyism, nepotism and transparency).

    We just sit down and relax and let the drama unfolds by itself.

    1. lets put our energy into getting the village folks to understand the grave situation facing the country. PAS, UMNO BN and barisan cabinet sekarang are bunch of hopeless case...kita jangan buang masa deliberating pasal Jawa, Bugis semua nih dah nak karam dah!

    2. Ya... anda sahajalah yang betul... Cuba Lagi...

    3. Salam sdra suharli,

      Yang betul tetap betul. Yang salah tetap salah.

      Nak tipu, masih ada modal lagi????

      Kalau modal masih ada, cuba lagi,

    4. Suharli nk maintain 6.6% da.
      Jgn marah dia

    5. Betul kita jgn marah dia cuma marilah kita kesiankan dia.

  7. ya layan lah syok sendiri ... bola tanggung DSZH lambung tu untuk kasi pro uturn mad-dey mabuk kecubung ... go fly kite !!

  8. 6.6% bukan 66% ye..
    Jangan sembang kencang lagi, malu sikit kat anak bini, jiran tetangga.

    Ini data dari zahid ye bukan dari mukhriz.

  9. Zahid bukan berckp benar sbb dia pun menipu kata jumpa arah penderma 2.6b..Yg dia jumpa tu mangkok ayun mana tak tau blk buat cerita palsu..Dia pun wajib di hapuskan.

    1. Bro,jgn lah begitu.sampai hati kau nak hapuskan bakal pak mertua ku...

