Saturday, August 6, 2016


Aku sedih sebab yang memperlekehkan  Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia @ Ketua Pemuda BN Malaysia @ Naib Presiden UMNO Malaysia dan orang kuat Najib PM Malaysia adalah orang kuat DAP.

Macamana boleh Kj begitu lalai hingga Tony Pua tanpa segan silu "smash" power gile..

DAP publicity secretary says Khairy has become ‘macai’ No. 1 by defending Najib against allegations in Justice Department suits.
(FMT) – DAP publicity secretary Tony Pua has described Umno Youth leader Khairy Jamaluddin as having become “macai” No. 1 to Umno president Najib Razak and said Khairy’s “transformation to the Dark Side” was clearly complete.
In a statement today, Pua said “the undoubtedly intelligent” Umno Youth leader appeared to be ready to destroy all the street cred” he had built up over the years by asking young Umno leaders to defend Najib.
Pua quoted Khairy as having urged Umno members on Tuesday to stand by the leader “even at the cost being labelled as ‘macai’ or ‘balachi’”.

# Khairul Azwan sepatutnya mengambil peluang ini untuk menebus kemaluannya dengan mengadakan demonstrasi baju merah untuk membela dan memberi sokongan kuat kepada ketuanya.  
Tidak teringinkah Suara Keramat Pemuda untuk memberi amaran keras kepada Tony supaya jangan campurtangan dalam urusan umno.
Atau sebenarnya Khairul hanya sekadar menunggu arahan apa yang patut dibuat (?)


  1. My firm assertion all these years is now crystal clear. Najib & wife's greed is the root of the nation's shame & chaos. The couple invited & granted license to Goldman Sachs to operate its evil-usury banking business & appointed the notorious banker as consultant solely for obtaining 42 billion loan & siphoning US$billions.

    1. Heyy Wak Seman!, go to hell with your damn assertion
      Your accusation is just based on your blind assumption
      Show us any clear proof DS Najib involve in corruption
      Otherwise you can be detained under Sedition Section

    2. Kejora 5:11 pm,

      Read this which is announced & spread at every corner of the earth.

      US federal prosecutors launched one of the largest asset seizures in U.S. history as they step up their investigation into billions of dollars siphoned away from a Malaysian government investment fund. Authorities filed civil lawsuits on Wednesday morning seeking to seize more than $1 billion worth of assets, including properties and other assets purchased with money allegedly misappropriated from the Malaysian fund. The Wall Street Journal has reported that people linked to the fund have invested millions of dollars in real estate and businesses in the U.S. Agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s international corruption unit have also been conducting a wide-ranging criminal investigation into people and institutions connected with 1Malaysia Development Bhd., known as 1MDB, a sovereign-wealth fund set up by Prime Minister Najib Razak in 2009 to drive the country’s economy. The asset seizures would be the U.S. government’s first action tied to the 1MDB investigation.

      Don't talk much, care to debate me on this topic....???

    3. So, in what matter DS Najib had committed crime? Secondly, how are we sure that those actions taken by DOJ are right or appropriate and not a conspiracy?

    4. Kejora 10:44 - For a start, please explain & answer.

      - Who is the Finance Minister of Malaysia?
      - Who is Malaysian Official No. 1..?
      - Who is the Prime Minister who initiate 1MDB existence?
      - Who is the Chief Advisor to 1MDB Advisory Committee?
      - Who is 1MDB authorizing signatory making payments/transactions US$billions to Goodstar?
      - How on earth US$1 billion—hundreds of millions more than previously identified landed in the personal AM Bank accounts of Malaysia’s prime minister?
      - How on earth the FLOM also possessed Millions Ringgit in her bank account as well?
      - Where did The FLOM obtained huge funds to go on multi million shopping spree whenever she went overseas?

  2. UMNO sekarang da tak saperti UMNO dahulu!!

    Masa untok di tukar dan dicampak dalam longkang!!


  3. Porah...Tony Pua(ka)...

  4. Proof ada bawah karpet bro. Dah lama dah ada, sampai bau macam bangkai. Tapi korang suka dalam suasana bau bangkai , sebab tu sampai sekarang dok senyum menikmati bau aroma nya.

    1. Well said bro. The smell of the corpse is too loud for anyone to deny that there is a corpse under the carpet.
      Forget about those dedakians coz they will say anything just to get few dedaks for their anaks and binis eventhough their denial is a clear insultation to human intelligence.
      Just regard them As talking monkeys who will say anything just to get few bananas.

  5., long as dedak is there....

  6. Keluang Diamond semakin hari semakin jatuh cinta pada DAP.Dulu-dulu marah sangat.Itu lah kata orang kalau kita membenci seseorang jangan terlalu sangat membencinya kerana satu hari akan tiba masa nya kita secara tiba-tiba akan menyayanginya.Jika ini terjadi tidak ada siapa pun yang boleh menghalang nya lagi hatta mak bapak sekali pun.

    1. betul bro. ibarat orang lemas dalam sungai dan terkapai-kapai nak cari pelampung. andai ada najis timbul di tepi kepala, terpaksa juga berpaut kepada najis tersebut. apalah sangat dengan najis, asal dapat berpaut. kerana terlalu kuat menyalak mengutuk dap suatu masa dahulu, kini seolah benci menjadi rindu. lepas rindu bertukar sayang. dari DAPig kini bertukar kepada seDAP...

  7. Aku sedih sebab pecacai dan pendedak tidak sedih KJ kena bantai dengan Puaka.

    1. nak sedih buat apa? ko ingat bila kitorang benci kpd dap maka akan sokong kj? kirim salam bro. lantaklah puaka jembalang tibai kj. itu hal dia. yang seronok nak tengok aksi ko menggeletar dan menggelepar cari isu, asal dapat berpaut walaupun pada ketulan najis.

    2. Assalmualaikum bro Kluangman,

      Tony Phua kini benar2 berpuaka & digeruni oleh Najib & geng. Presentation dia dgn Rafizi mengenai penyelewengan 1MDB amat professional & sistematik, bersandarkan fakta dan angka yg jelas.

  8. Aku lagi sedih bila tengok orang Melayu pertahankan perompak negara pastu jual nama bangsa dan agama nak melindungi perompak demi sesuap dedak daripada sang perompak.

  9. Keris Berayon. KJ dah ngaku semua penyokong najis adalah macai. Apa lagi nak nafi. Memang korang semua pencacai yang makan dedak.


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