Monday, October 10, 2016


Perlakuan sarkas tidak wajar dibenarkan..

Ia tidak membantu imej parti dan Perdana Menteri. Mengekalkan Jamal bererti menyokong segala tindak tanduknya.
Nazri dan Kj patut usulkan di Majlis Tertinggi jika benar Jamal tidak mewakili umno dalam aksi baju merah.


  1. Replies
    1. Bila mana.......BERSATU TEGUH.
      Kesudahannya....UMNO RUNTUH

      Jamal Setongkol si Jamal Tongkeng
      Tongkeng Jamal di atas ambin
      Jamal bahlol bila menonggeng
      Ali Tonjol dah naik angin

      Bangla bersepah kerja si Zaid
      Bangla marah tak tentu arah
      Baju merah dah datang haid
      Baju merah cekik darah

      Bangla bersepah merata jalan
      Merata jalan tak tentu arah
      Baju merah berdatang bulan
      Datang bulan berkotoran darah

      Marah bukan sebarang marah
      Marah menyala bagai nak telan
      Merah bukan sebarang merah
      Merah sebab tak ikut bulan

      Hendak gugur gugurlah nangka
      Pucuk pauh jangan ditimpa
      Hendak berkubur kuburlah segera
      UMNO rapuh menunggu masa

      Hendak gugur gugurlah nangka
      Jangan menimpa si pucuk pauh
      Hendak undur undurlah segera
      Rakyat jelata dah heboh suruh


  2. Baju kuning...pon sejibik mcm badut sarkas.... perusuh kuning merosakkan perniagaan org melayu sendiri... ada berani ka nak rosakkan perniagaan bukan Melayu... K**e & B***t Melayu tak berani nak buat di jerit anjing LGE, terus kecut mcm hilang anu depa... KluangMAn...

    1. Hari itu di blog Putra Merdeka kamu nyatakan...
      "Sebenarnya 1MDB tak ada apa pun...cuma pembangkang jer nk lebih provok kerajaan & PM Melayu sehingga jatuh...agenda CINA di Malaysia...Melayu jadi budak suruhan saja termasuk anwar & Tun M walaupun jd PM nanti".,

      Let me remind you that you are yet to counter my response .....

      In the sight of Allah, THE BEST UMMAH is the most righteous among us, irrespective of race or creed, nor whether they are UMNO, BERSATU, PKR, PAN or DAP. Got it?

      Now..the root of our country's shame, economic downturn and the rakyat's unrest is caused by Najib's bad administration and lying.

      Let me begin with....
      Earlier Najib said about RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands was transferred to a Singaporean Bank to ease the facilitation of transactions The remaining US$1.103bil (RM4.08bil) of 1MDB’s investment funds managed by the Cayman Monetory Authority has been redeemed in cash and is kept in US currency by the BSI Bank Limited Singapore (BSI Spore).

      “The decision to use a bank in Singapore is to ease the facilitation of fund withdrawals as Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) regulations state its approval is needed for every transaction exceeding RM50mil".

      The question now.....

      When the "cash" became "assets" and then "units";

      Then the "units" became "nothing"; and suddenly...

      How on earth a 'mysterious monumental donation' dropped from the sky, got its way into Najib's personal Ambank account which he initially denied but later admitted. The most astonishing fact is that the amount is exactly similar to the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands.

      Why Najib is tight lipped over his lying? Where is his credibility & accountability? Where is the US$7 billion that the PAC says is not accounted for? What kind of Finance Minister allows these things to happen?

      What say you my friend? Please do not disappoint me and all the blog readers here awaiting your response as good citizen of this beloved country.

      Which is the truth...RM4 billion from 1MDB or RM4 billion from donation...???

  3. Ekkkk.....Baju kuning ada buat demo kat depan sogo ke....????
    Aku ingat mereka tidak lagi berdemo di kawasan-kawasn perniagaan
    tapi buat convoy di setiap bandar untuk bergerak beri penerangan
    kepada orang ramai. Macam mana voncoy boleh rosakkan pderniagaan,
    kecuali berlaku rusuhan dengan si BAJU MERAH.......>>>>>>



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