Najib harus peka dan ambil tahu kenapa makin ramai suara terpencil dan tahap paling rendah kini sangat berani untuk memintanya berundur.
Lebih penting jika itu suara terendah...sewajarnya Kj tidak perlu komen dan layan.
Apakah mereka ini ahli-ahli umno yang sama bangangnya dengan blogger upahan.
Bukankah sepatutnya ahli umno menggesa Anwar Ibrahim untuk berundur sebaga ketua pembangkang dan bukannya menyerang Presiden parti sendiri.
Sewajarnya Najib dipertahankan dan mana-mana ahli umno yang bangang wajar digesa pindah dan keluar dari Malaysia. Itu penyelesaian terbaik untuk menghilangkan suara-suara nyamuk ini.
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Kita pun tidak pasti samada ada atau tidak media politik setan online dan talibarut online di Malaysia. Oh ye, nak tanya juga d...
Klik TERKINI APA SUDAH JADI.. # orang kedah makan nasi sebab tu tak berapa nak bodo.. .. POSTING ASAL Kenapa pemban...
Maklumat lanjut cari sendiri.. Dah malas nak tulis panjang²...tulis panjang stau pendek memang dah tentu PH pilihan rakyat, a...
anwar tak kuat cuma najib saja yang terlalu lembek dari anwar...
ReplyDeleteumno akan mengikut jejak mca.. ahli dah kurang minat, orang melayu semakin meluat..
apa yang tinggal hanyalah sokongan ketua umno bahagian pembodek ..
secara jujur presiden umno dan pemimpin yang sewaktu dengannya perlu ditukar sebelum umno berkubur dan melayu hancur ..
penat la dgn umno ni...lansong tak peka dgn kehendak rakyat majoriti...presiden lembab timb presiden tak berminat..naib2 presiden cakap merapu...sila umno mampus cepat2
ReplyDeleteKJ....sila jawab soalan berikut:
ReplyDelete1. You won in last pru13 on whose ticket?
2. In your constituency, how many muslim malays vote for you?
3. Without east malaysian BN seats, do you think umno led federal BN could form a government?
4. If BN lost in the last pru13, do you think you can become a minister?
5. As a minister what have you contributed to malaysia?
6. Who put you up as youth leader?
7. Are you saying only leaders' comments are only eligible to be highlighted in tbe media?
8. Must all ordinary umno members shut up from saying the truth?
9. As a BN supporter of non umno party, do i have to right to criticise najib?
10. Do you think najib could becone pm without support of east malaysian states BN?
Many....many questions to ask.
My parting shots to you are nothing for we east malaysians look at you as a person with low intelectual capability
Sorry mate
Nak kritik presiden pun tak boleh ke? Yg dok pertahan presiden ah jib gor tu yg mssyukkkkk. Yg tak ada apa projek dan tak akan dapat projek pun kalu ada yh ganti ah jib gor berpijak di bumi nyata. Suara nyamuk tu mereka nak ganti dengan lagu tidur utk ah jib gor
ReplyDeleteas far as we are concern, the silent majority we are no longer interested in the party, what we want are actions not rhetoric speech. najib is a goner. don't underestimate the rakyat's mind. we don't want ABI, he is a useless beggar. but we just wish Perkasa becomes a political part and we will vote. PAs is a lalang and no balls .
ReplyDeleteAt least UMNO did not take disciplinary action or gave gagged orders to her members who criticized their leaders.If it happened in DAP or PKR,guess what is the answer.I am no fan of UMNO but to this date I rather and convinced that BN is the right party to govern until PR pulled their socks up.Normally the fence sitters are intellectual people and always rational in choosing or voting.They always think of their futures and well being of their families and not easily influenced by promises.PERKASA will be whitewashed if they decide to become a political party and try their luck in next GE..
ReplyDeleteAnon 09.00am....I stand to support BN. However, things are not fine within umno and its leaders. I would rather abstain from voting if najib does not change for the better. Perkasa could be successful if they put their people strategically. To say perkasa would be whitewashed would be tantamount to preempting.
ReplyDeleteSdr anon 4.48,00
ReplyDeleteI was not preempting,but we had to look at the performance of ISMA during last GE 13.Most of PERKASA members are from the Malay elites or urbanites and the core strength of UMNO is their akar umbi members consists of the rural folks esp their Wanita Wings which are the strongest.It is most unlikely that PERKASA will attract the rural folks and in this case they have to contest in urban and semi urban,same as ISMA did in GE 13.They had to content with the like of UMNO,PAS or PKR even ISMA.So you can guess the outcome.
Anon 7.04......the current scenario is nit the same as in GE13. Whilst the urban folks are game for a big change in umno leadership, I have observed the same spirit amongst BN voters/supporters. If this sentiment gain traction withinnext 2 years I would not be surprised at all. Umno warlords and ball carriers will continue to cling on in their deathbed. I am a sarawakian resifing in KL and have observed this wave since pru13. Taljs amongst my umno friends seemed to suggest money will keep those opposing groups within malay groups to shut their mouth. Corruption has really deeprooted in umno and thats what mahathir had said sll the while
Thank you for your comments.Lets see who are the real supporters of UMNO,yes the rural folks.The disgruntled members are those amongst the urbanites who are the frustated lots as they are were lost and were left behind in the race to gain advantages for themselves in the party.UMNO knew this well,and the result of GE 13 proved this.UMNO had tried hard to please these urbanites by providing all the aids to them to improve their living,but been so materialistics,arrogants and easily sway by perceptions,the desired result cannot be achieved.So why bother so much on half cock supporters.Better give more to the loyal supporters,BRIM,cut off subsidies that benefit the richs,award grants to the to improve their living and so on.Talk about corruptions,it happened in all the parties so what the surprise here.For those who are amongst the frustated lots,corruptions in the party is the only excuse and of all you they are the ones who practiced this method but lost to their opponents because they had the means and ways to do so.Do you think the grass root members esp the rural folks capable to do this?.For that as Swkian,may I ask you why most of the rural folks such as the Ibans,Dayaks and Melanaus still chose PBB which is a Muslim based party to govern Swk.Thank you.
You ask why.......because PBB can manage its members and they are fair. Taib and now Adenan are strong unlike weak najib. Got that?
DeleteMaybe yes or not,and why the Oppo attacked Taib so vigorously saying he made tons of money at the expense of rakyat.To my understanding not all the races mentioned are members of PBB.To me the logic answer is they got the BUMIPUTRA tags and mostly lived in rural areas such farmers,fishermen and other odd jobs.So the Fed and state govts take good care of them as they know these rural folks are their votes bank.They are not so favourable to the rakyat in Kuching,Miri,Sibu but goodies goes to people like Lundu,Semantan,Batang Sadong or Seri Aman.
ReplyDeleteThe urbanites in sarawak are mostly chauvinist chinese. The rural folks supported BN because the BN component parties deliver albeit different level of satisfaction. They know PR cannot deliver moreso proven by their incapability. Bumiputera status ad alleged by you is not a factor at all. Its that we sarawakians value real independence with great tolerance unlike you guysin semenanjung with many warlords and hypocrites.....
ReplyDeleteDo agree some way or rather your last paragraph.Nevertheless may be the phrase Kita Serumpun or Kita Serupa are best suited in discussing the subject .with the exception of warlords and hypocrites which are more vigourous in Semenanjung.Thanks
ReplyDeletekesimpulan: yang dibahas tentang ekornya..
ReplyDeleteRealitinya: kepalanya lemah dan lembek...
Mungkin jawapan sdr satu persepsi sebab hingga ke hari tiada pun lebih dari 2.1 juta ahli tidak bising supaya pembuat dasar dalam parti menendang kepala keluar.Yang buat bising ada lah segelumit ahli yang kecewa tidak diberi keistemewaan dalam parti dan kumpulan dari bukan ahli yang jelas dengki.
ReplyDeleteBravo...Najib diselamatkan ahli umno..
DeleteTetapi siapa yg akan selamatkan umno..
memang malaysia sedang dipolitik persepsi..kekuatan yg mengatasi realiti..
Sdra kluangman,
DeleteSaya sangat bersetuju dgn anda...siapa nak selamatkan umno? Orang yg dicucuk hidungnya akan hanya tahu apa itu kekalahan apabila umno/bn kalah padz pru14 akan datang. Masa itu rasa kesal, salahkan orang melayu yg telah bnyk kali bagi clue tapi langsung dihina dan dicela. Semoga ALLAH memuka hati dan mata orang melayu islam di semenanjung malaysia
Ahli UMNO la selamatkan parti mereka takkan Bar Council.Persepsi,tanya la puak Oppo kerana ini memang tabiat mereka,tidal ketingalan sdr sendiri
ReplyDeleteOrang umno tak akan dapat selamat diri senditi tanpa skongan padu melayu dan muslim. Anon.12.11.....orang mcm andalah yg akan mengkhianati bangsa dan agama sendiri....wsllahualam
DeleteAnon 12.59,
ReplyDeleteJika sdr saorang Islam sdr mesti tahu apa hukumannya memfitnah.Statement sdr di atas reflect ketidak matangnya pemikiran sdr.Siapakah ahli UMNO bukankah orang Melayu dan Bumiputra yang majoritinya beragama Islam.Faktor ini bukan persepsi tapi kenyataan.
I am a Malay and Muslim.I will never betray my race and become a Munafic.Pse do not brag about your birthplac. In early 70s I and my comrades had scarificed our lives fighting the insurgents in your state. Places like Sempadi Bau Bokah Lundu Titi Akar Biawak Semantan and Tg Serabang were familiar.On the other sides Serian Sarikei Simanggang Sibu were our AO.The Rajang River claimed few of my comrades life.Corfirmed these with the remaining Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban members if you happened to know some of them.Fortunately in the 80s once again I served at Miri Bario Bakalalang and Lawas
ReplyDeleteActually I am no alien to Swkians cos I had served in the state.If you have the time pse ask the old folks at the places mentioned what PARAKU means.Salam
Anonn 6.00....I am from sibu and was born some 58 years ago. I know rascom very well as i used to work closely with the army and police at that time. PARAKU stands for pakaran rakyat kalimantan utara during the time of confrontation. I know better my state you whom most sarawakians called you orang malaya or jamban tarek. That was the time when a lot of sarawakians muslims and non muslims girls were "conned" into giving themselves up. I worked with a GlC and worked closely with the army for ten years. I do nothave tomention in what capacity.
ReplyDeleteYou bragged about having served in the state.....but you are really clueless about what living in harmony is. I am glad that as a muslim and a malay, you will not betray your race and religion. Wuhhhh...what a relief. Thats why i always hinted in my comments inany blog that we need muslim malays in semenanjung to unite and get umno out of the doldrum.
Surely i brag about being born in sarawak. We have progressed well albeit slow but steady. In spite of being a minority group, our leaders have shown their capabilities......and willing to become FD for federal BN......wallahualam
P/s....jangan sewenang2 mengata orang lain suka memfitnah. Muhasabbahlah diri sebelum mengata kat orang lain. Sadaqallah.....sadaqallahal 'zim
ReplyDeleteA good interaction and thank you.Sadaqallah azim
ps..pse refer the content of stament above on Dec 23 1:2600