Sunday, August 27, 2017


Dear Cabinet Ministers,
28th August 2017.
Dear Ministers,
I am issuing this Open Letter to all you Cabinet Ministers to urge the Cabinet to take a patriotic stand at your meeting on Wednesday, the Eve of 60th National Day, to veto Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak from visiting White House to meet US President Trump on Sept. 12 as the US Government had virtually branded the Malaysian Prime Minister as kleptocrat by being “MO1”.
UMNO/BN strategists and propagandists may think that the Prime Minister’s forthcoming visit to the White House and meeting with President Trump on Sept. 12 is a great “coup” for Najib before the 14th General Election.
This is not the case. In fact, it is the very opposite.
Najib’s scheduled visit to the White House and meeting with US President Trump has given rise to questions such as the outcome of “MO1 vs US01”, “Will Najib triumph over Trump” and “Will Trump trumph Najib?’
It is a great national shame for Najib to go to the White House to meet President Trump when he has not cleared or cleansed himself after being branded by the American Government as a kleptocrat by being “MO1” in the US Department of Justice (DOJ)’s largest kleptocratic forfeiture suit of over US$1.7 billion of 1MDB-linked assets
Najib’s visit to the White House and meeting with Trump will aggravate Malaysia’s international infamy and ignominy by showing that the Malaysian Cabinet and government have ceased to know the meaning of “shame”, as honest and rational Malaysians – or anyone in the world – will regard it as a great national shame and dishonour for Najib to go to the White House to meet President Trump when Najib has not cleared or cleansed himself of the US Government’s civil suit condemnation of him as a kleptocrat and “MO1” in the US DOJ’s largest kleptocratic forfeiture suit of US$1.7 billion of 1MDB-linked assets.
Najib cannot know deny that he is “MO1” as his Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of Economic Planning Unit, Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan, had told the world in a BBC interview last September that only an idiot would not know that the US DOJ reference of “MO1” was referring to none other than Najib.
Najib should only visit the White House with honour, pride and rectitude as Prime Minister of Malaysia when he had cleared or cleansed himself of the infamy and ignominy of the US Government’s reference to him as a “kleptocrat” and “MO1”.
Najib should therefore not bring shame and dishonor to Malaysia by visiting White House and meeting US President Trump with the characterization of a kleptocrat and “MO1” hanging over his head, which placed Najib in an inferior and dishonourable position as a supplicant.
It is to Malaysia’s great and eternal shame that in the past two years since the US DOJ first filed its kleptocratic suits to forfeit the 1MDB-linked assets in the United States, United Kingdom and Switzerland, Najib had not taken any action or launched any initiative to clear or cleanse himself of the US DOJ condemnation of him as a kleptocrat and “MO1”.
The Cabinet meeting on National Day Eve on Wednesday, August 30, 2017 should be the first step forward to safeguard national honour and dignity by resolving that Najib should not visit the White House to meet President Trump on Sept. 12 and that Najib must first clear or cleanse himself of the American Government reference to him as a kleptocrat and “MO1”.
The least Najib should do before leaving for the United States next month would be to announce the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the 1MDB scandal to demonstrate to Malaysians, the United States and the world that he is not a kleptocrat and that the US DOJ’s indictment of him as “MO1” has completely no basis whatsoever.
Malaysian Ministers and Najib’s top officials have accused the US Government of flagrant interference in Malaysian domestic affairs, even involvement in a plot to topple Najib as Prime Minister.
Even the PAS President, Datuk Seri Hadi Awang had taken a public stand that the US DoJ kleptocratic suits were unacceptable violation of Malaysia’s sovereignty and foreign intervention with the country’s domestic affairs.
If this is the case, and the Malaysian government is convinced that the US Government is guilty of unacceptable meddling in Malaysia’s domestic affairs and violation of Malaysia’s sovereignty, how can the Prime Minister be going to the White House to meet US President Trump without full acknowledgement and contrite apology by the US Government for such unacceptable interference with Malaysia’s domestic affairs and violation of Malaysia’s sovereignty?
I am shocked that the government appears to have taken the position as represented by the UMNO Information Chief and former Cabinet Minister, Tan Sri Musa Annuar that Bank Negara’s foreign exchange (forex) losses a quarter of a century ago and over which a Royal Commission of Inquiry had been set up, are real but the 1MDB losses are only on paper.
Is Annuar suggesting that the infamous US$27.3 million (RM117 million) 22-carat rare pink diamond gifted to “wife of MO1”; the billions of ringgit worth of jewelleries, art pieces and luxury properties like hotels in Beverly Hills and London misappropriated by Jho Low from 1MDB including those gifted to Leonardo Di Caprio and Miranda Kerr, and Jho Low’s US$250 million (approximately RM1.069 billion) world’s 54th largest mega yacht in existence and US$35.4 million for a Bombardier Global 5000 jet, are just “phantoms on paper” and not real at all?
American actor Leonardo DiCaprio and Australian supermodel Miranda Kerr have handed over their multi-million US dollar gifts from Jho Low which were misappropriated from 1MDB funds to the US Department of Justice (DOJ).
Are these valuable properties just exist on paper and not real at all?
In the kleptocratic forfeiture cases, the US DOJ alleged that between 2009 and 2015, more than US$4.5 billion belonging to 1MDB was diverted by high-level officials of the state investor and their associates.
Are these all just paper losses?
It is time that the Cabinet focus specifically on the 1MDB scandal which has brought so much infamy and ignominy to Malaysia.
Do your patriotic duty to veto the Prime Minister’s humiliating and demeaning visit to the White House to meet President Trump, or all of you would have failed your patriotic duty to defend, uphold and promote the honour, reputation and standing of Malaysia in the international community of nations.


  1. Siapa kita to say NO to Trump. Dia tak kenal pun kita. Sedikit pun dia tak hairan. Banyak kerja lain lagi yang dia nak "focus on". Malaysian issue is just a small matter to him.

    1. Yang tak ada jati diri dan teloq memang le pi menyembah walaupun dihina oleh dOJ.

      Kenapa dulunya marah sangat dengan DOJ yang kononnya campurtangan asing dan kini sanggup pula menyembah?

  2. Jangan layan anon 755, baca pun tidak..
    Standard le tu bongok bahasa inggeris

  3. Trumpet dengar! Dia kata dia setuju untuk halau Najeeb dari masuk USA sebab dia sangat sayang sama Lim Guan END and MahaKUTTY s/o Iskandar Kutty!

  4. Dulu kata sebab x p ke amerika sebab takut kena tangkap...sekarang amerika jemput p sana tak bagi pulak dan mintak amerika mohon maaf baru boleh p..Fenin ke? DOJ tak pernah cakap siapa MO1 so kenapa PM nak srh DOJ minta maaf? Itu mcm PM mengaku dia adalah MO1...think...

  5. Kalau MO1 bukan makhluk perosak tu kenapa pula melenting dan kata campurtangan asing?

    Siapa mo1 - apa rahman dahlan kata?

    Hadi kata DOJ ada agenda jahat kepada najib?

    Fening oooo...

  6. Saya rasa seronok..seronok sangat..
    Cik Minah and all the gang yg seangkatan..u all bagi komen..bila ada geng sana yg memaki2, dok ulang kata bodoh, bodoh dan bodoh..JGN REPLY pd diaorg punya komen..buat dek, dan terus beri komen yg lain..
    Setakat ni, bila saya jumpa komen bodoh2 diaorg tu, saya senyum dan saya terus skip jer..


  7. BETUL KD !!!
    Mana boleh DSN dibiar cemar kehormatan MELAYU ISLAM.
    Memamg semua tahu Trump lahanat Evengelist nk hukum MELAYU ISLAM.
    Semua penuokong UMNO BN dan Prez PAS sendiri pun dh bgtau mcm ni !!
    Masakan kabinet nk biarkan DSN pergi tanpa sekuranya sedikit cemohan pada DOJ, FBI dan USA !!!
    DOWN USA !!

    Jgn tukar topik...maruah MELAYU ISLAM NI...

    1. Apa ni?
      Man kadok membebel mcm haram je
      Udah-udahlah tunjuk kemaluan lembik othaman kadok ooi.

    2. Habis?!!
      Ko prtualang 941, sanggup biarkan bos DSN dihina DOJ FBI tampa belaan.?!!
      Ko sanggup MEKAYU ISLAM dihina? kau juga berapi marahkan DOJ FBI.
      Cone on 941.
      Make up uou snall mind.Mana prrjuangan Melayu Islam ko seblm.ini ?!!
      Tak kan ko dh alih sokong PH??

    3. Tak payah bertempiklah wahai othaman kadok
      Sampai masa akan terserlah ygmana baik ygmana buruk
      Fbi entah kemana, Doj dah nak terjun laut
      Tinggal man kadok sorang je siang malam dok melalut

  8. Ha...ha...ha...
    Pembangkang putar tang ni pulak. Bilamana kes saman DoJ ni dah nak sampai ke penghujungnya yang mana hasilnya bukan sebagaimana yang mereka harapkan. Mereka dah mula meroyan dan serang Trump pulak.

    Kita tunggu saja hasil siasatan saman DoJ dan FBI. Siapa sebenarnya yang akan kena?

    Boleh kita tau apa kaitan Khadem Al-Qubaishi, John Kerry, Loretta, adik-beradik Comey, McCabe, Clinton Foundation dan beberapa orang daripada Malaysia yang menjadi dalang untuk memufliskan 1MDB dan seterusnya memangkin untuk menjatuhkan DS Najib dan BN.

    Kita tunggu...

  9. Malaysian official 1 (MO1)
    Malaysian officer 1 (ME1)
    Malaysian officer 2 (ME2)
    Malaysian officer 3 (ME3)

    Tak kira siapa juga yang mengatakan siapa itu MO1? Ia bukanlah DS Najib sepertimana yang didendangkan oleh pembangkang. Tetapi adalah seseorang yang pernah menjadi.... Begitu juga ME1, ME2 dan ME3 daripada 3 institusi yang berlainan.

    Mereka bersekongkol dengan Khadem Abdullah Al-Qubaisi, Loretta E. Lynch, George Soros, John Kerry, adik-beradik Comey, McCabe, Clinton Fondation untuk mengkambing-hitamkan DS Najib dalam menyamun 1MDB dan menjatuhkan DS Najib dan BN.

    Kita tunggu saja pengumuman rasmi hasil siasatan DoJ yang tidak akan dipertikaikan oleh pembangkang. DoJ kan telus dan berwibawa!

  10. 5.13
    kalau dah MO1 dikambing hitamkan, ada ke tindakan yang diambil oleh MO1 untuk membersihkan namanya? ada ke laporan polis di buat? tak de kan? dok diam je lepas tu cai2 bawahan dok canang2 dia dikambinghitamkan. hahahahhaa..cakap tak serupa bikin. macam kes bayaran kepada Aabar BVI dulu. ada ke org2 1mdb buat laporan? diam jugak kan..udah le..MO1 tak suci mana pun sampai perlu dipertahankan dengan membodohkan diri kat sini. tu belum sebut duit SRC masuk akaun MO1 lagi. dah terang lagi bersuluh tp cai2 terus bodohkan diri masing2..kesian

    1. Perlu ke Najib menyaman DoJ? Tak perlu.
      Sebabnya seperti berikut:

      1. Najib tahu saman itu akan berkubur begitu saja sebab tak dapat diteruskan. Jejak wang hanya terhenti di Aabar-BVI bukan 1MDB. Dan ada kemungkinan saman DoJ itu terpalit ke pembangkang pula! Tunggu saja...

      2. Sumber maklumat pengadu berdasarkan laporan Sarawak Report yang tak disokong dengan bukti-bukti sahih.

      3. Najib mahu Tun dan macai-macainya khayal dengan isu 1MDB. Najib tahu bahawa isu 1MDB adalah satu-satunya isu besar pembangkang dan ia hanyalah ciptaan pembangkang.

      Membiarkan pembangkang khayal dengan 1MDB memberikan Najib masa untuk meneruskan kerja-kerja membangunkan negara dengan tenang dan memantapkan UMNO dan BN menghadapi PRU-14.

      Bila tiba masanya yang sesuai, Najib hanya perlu buat pukulan terakhir iaitu sebelum PRU. Tunggu saja...

  11. Uuuuuu... putar2 kenyataan Rahman Dahlan. Dia cakap lain kau orang putar belit bagi maksud lain. Poorahhh!



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