Sunday, April 10, 2016

Apakah Dr Tan Seng Giaw akan ikut jejak Lee Lam Thye

Timbalan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Awam Negara (PAC), Dr Tan Seng Giaw membidas rakan DAPnya, Tony Pua berikutan pelbagai dakwaan Pua terhadap 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Menurut laporan akhbar New Straits Times (NST), Tan berkata apa jua tuduhan diutarakan Pua perlu disokong bukti dan bukan sekadar cakap sahaja.

“Kalau anda tiada bukti untuk menyokong apa yang anda katakan, tak usah bercakap. Jika ada tuduhan, orang yang menuduh itu perlu kemukakan bukti,” katanya kepada NST semalam.

Dr Tan berkata wujudnya jawatankuasa itu adalah bagi mencari kebenaran bersandarkan bukti.

“PAC adalah mencari kebenaran. Jika ada sesiapa keluarkan kenyataan, tunjukkan bukti dan kita akan melakukan siasatan,” katanya.

Pua telah membuat pelbagai tuduhan terhadap 1MDB kononnya tidak telus dalam pelbagai urusniaga dengan kehilangan wang, pecah amanah dan penyelewengan. Pua, sebagaimana disebutkan Dr Tan, gagal mengemukakan sebarang bukti.

Ditanya mengenai pembocoran maklumat PAC kepada media asing, Dr Tan berkata Pua berdepan tindakan undang-undang jika dia melakukan kesalahan itu.

“Jika Pua melakukan jenayah, dia perlu didakwa di mahkamah,” katanya.

Selasa lalu, Dr Tan meminta bukti dikemukakan sebelum sebarang dakwaan dilontarkan terhadap anggota PAC kerana membocorkan maklumat PAC mengenai 1MDB.

Manakala 1MDB pula dalam kenyataan balasnya semalam, menggesa Dr Tan mengamalkan prinsip yang sama terhadap Pua.

“Tindakan Pua mencari populariti ialah mengitar semula segala tuduhan tidak berasas terhadap 1MDB.

“Dan apabila jawapan diberikan bersama fakta, jelas dapat membuktikan tuduhan dilontar Pua adalah salah sama sekali.

“Tetapi Pua tetap tidak mengendahkan fakta, mengubah topik dan berdiam diri untuk seketika sebelum mengitar semula tuduhan yang sama tanpa asas,” jelas 1MDB.

1MDB turut mendesak Dr Tan untuk mengadakan siasatan terhadap tahap kerahsiaan maklumat pada dokumen PAC yang dibocorkan kepada media asing.- My Nation News


  1. Aku nak tengok DAP pecah bersepai, Tony Puaka terus mulut bersenjata dengan Tan, lebih penting lagi, Tongkang Lim join Nuor di Sg Buluh.

    Aku nak tengok juga Najib undur atau di gantikan, kalau tidak UMNO lingkup di PRU14. Jadi, kita kena terus belasah penyelewengan 1MDB.

    Baca lah laporan PAC 106 mukasurat itu di

    1mdb pac report

    pac hansard

    1. The Edge articles in phamplet form:

      scanned version

  2. PECAH SERIBU PUN, Cina takkan undi BN lagi.
    Bakan, Melayu pun akan undi SELAIN DARIPADA NAJIB

    1. Siapa cakap?

      Kamu tak tengok ramai Cina yang hentam Guan Eng skandal Taman Manggis land and Jalan Pinhorn bungalow tuh?

  3. Hidup najib hidup umno..

    1. Undur atau gantikan Najib, hidup UMNO

  4. Yang pasti tan seng giaw tak nak jadi babi yg menyondol apa saja termasuk taik sendiri untuk dijadikan santapan dan juga setia bak anjing tak kira siapa tuannya. Kehkehkeh....

    Hanya di Malaysia....tertuduh kena tunjukkan bukti. Bukan yg menuduh.

    Hanya di Malaysia....sumber tanpa nama.

    Hanya di Malaysia.....sumber entah dari mana.

    Hanya di Malaysia....kehkehkehkeh.....diktator menuduh orang lain diktator....

    1. Hanya di Malaysia ramai nak jadi pemakan Dedak termasuk Tan, ini la masanya RM10 juta siapa tak mau walau pun artikal 117 M@A 1MDB menyebut dengan jelas semua kelulusan dan perjajian wajib melalui PM Najib tapi buat buat buta yang najib tak terlibat ,tapi kamu ini keris berayon nak kata dapat makan dedak pun nidak cuma makan taik pengampu najib kut. kah kah kah.....barua.

    2. Now listen here kid,

      Though the PAC report did not bring up the Najib's name, every transaction carried out by 1MDB and its management had to be approved by the PM/Finance Minister. I would like to see Shahrol explain how he deliberately, of his own accord, diverted US$700 million into GoodStar when he clearly had no relationship with Jho Low. But there is no denying that your Najibul Bullshit did have such a relationship; and you know does not lie...!!! Furthermore, Shahrol is so closely associated & trusted by Najib that whatever he do, he certainly report to Najib. For your infor, Shahrol is currently PEMANDU’s Director of Oil, Gas & Energy and Financial Services’ National Key Economic Areas (NKEA), as well as handling the Government’s Role in Business Strategic Reform Initiative (SRI). He is also the President and Chief Executive Officer of Malaysia Petroleum Resources Corporation (MPRC), an agency to promote, catalyse and transform the oil and gas services and manufacturing sector to become stronger entities in the industry. Datuk Shahrol was the founding Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of 1MDB."
      So, he remains culpable to the very end. It's clear cut that Shahrol is made the scapegoat @ Kambing Bandot, in this sandiwara.

      The BOD of 1MDB takes instruction from the Chairman who is also the PM of Malaysia even though it is not in writing. The most powerful figure in Msia.

      The same goes with the CEO. Both the BOD and CEO are highly educated and experienced personnel, yet they are Dumb Asses. They should know that they can be accountable in the instructions given are not in writing.

    3. Setuju dan sokong apa 1936 dan Othman kata

    4. Keis Berayon...

      Where is your rebuttal, man? I've been waiting & still looking forward with full anxiety to your professional response.

  5. Hebat permainan politik serampang dua mata DAP,

    Dr Tan Seng Giaw : akan cuba mempertahan hayat poltik najib sehingga PRU akan datang.

    Tony Phua : akan terus membakar sentimen anti najib sehingga PRU akan datang.

    Siapa yang rugi? : parti umno (bukan united macai najib only) dan bn yang dah tinggal nyawa2 ikan sekarang ni.

    Mungkin dah tiba masanya umno jadi pembangkang seperti parti ldp jepun, mungkin juga sudah tiba masanya ahli umno perlu bermuhasabah menilai semula diri mereka apabila mereka jadi pembangkang.

    Nah pencacai...bukan kah dah beri peluru untuk pencacai mencari tuan yang baru?

  6. Keris Berayon,
    No point argueing with these Penjilat Kahak
    They think they are smart...ptui...for two years already they could not desposed Ajibgor...why,they could not answer because they created perceptions,dessiminated false info,but rakyat is not stupid,we believe on reality that what we see
    Save Malaysia... from whom....Taik Kucing
    Now their chief dah meroyan lagi...50 bil or more lesap,requested foreign interventions and labelled Proton makan dedak....Penjilat Kahak lain ANGGUKx
    Baik makn dedak dari jilat kahak,,,,,eeee

    1. bagus kalau dah mengaku makan dedak campur kahak.

      no wonder ptui sana ptui sini.

    2. Kejora hanya berupaya merungut, merengus, merepek macam budak kecik kehilangan puting. Dia asyik lari dari saya, baik di sini maupun di Putra Merdeka, Headbomb, Omakkau, Celah Gelegar & Cucu Tok Selampit. Dia lari terus lari macam Najib.

      Now let's see what are you gonna rebutt about my below mentioned comment.

      Though the PAC report did not bring up the Najib's name, every transaction carried out by 1MDB and its management had to be approved by the PM/Finance Minister. I would like to see Shahrol explain how he deliberately, on his own accord, diverted US$700 million into GoodStar when he clearly had no relationship with Jho Low. But there is no denying that your Najibul Bullshit did have such a relationship; and you know does not lie...!!! Furthermore, Shahrol is so closely associated & trusted by Najib that whatever he do, he certainly report to Najib. For your info, Shahrol is currently PEMANDU’s Director of Oil, Gas & Energy and Financial Services’ National Key Economic Areas (NKEA), as well as handling the Government’s Role in Business Strategic Reform Initiative (SRI). He is also the President and Chief Executive Officer of Malaysia Petroleum Resources Corporation (MPRC), an agency to promote, catalyse and transform the oil and gas services and manufacturing sector to become stronger entities in the industry. Datuk Shahrol was the founding Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of 1MDB.
      Therefore, it goes without saying & denying that both Sharol & Najibul Bullshit remain culpable to the very end. It's clear cut that Shahrol is made the korban Kambing Bandot, in this sandiwara.

      The BOD of 1MDB takes instruction from the Chairman who is also the PM of Malaysia even though it is not in writing. The PM has deep interest as it was he who initiated 1MDB, The most powerful figure in Msia today.

      The same goes with the CEO. Both the BOD and CEO are highly educated and experienced personnel, but sad to say that they are Dumb Asses. How can they allow themselves be accountable for following instructions that are not in writing?

    3. Errrrr sir........I think he doesn't understand English.

  7. kalau kita hayati cabaran othman ahmad supaya anon menampilkan identi hingga sekarang tidak berani.

    dengan sekadar anon berlagak cakap pandai, rasanya patut malu aendiri.

    apa yang ditulis tiada nilai...itu realiti.

  8. 817
    Itu sebab geng Jilat Kahak ini biol,bila pula orang makan dedak campor kahak....eeei. you grade the quality of comments by your readers,due to most of the events lately were not in the Penjilat Kahak favour you all started spinning the facts esp PAC Report,recyled and produced distorted info....sore losers..that is the reality..Fly kitr and keep on barking

  9. Kejoral Lt
    Don't talk rubbish here. Now let's see what you gonna rebutt about my below mentioned comment.

    Though the PAC report did not bring up the Najib's name, every transaction carried out by 1MDB and its management had to be approved by the PM/Finance Minister. I would like to see Shahrol explain how he deliberately, on his own accord, diverted US$700 million into GoodStar when he clearly had no relationship with Jho Low. But there is no denying that your Najibul Bullshit did have such a relationship; and you know does not lie...!!! Furthermore, Shahrol is so closely associated & trusted by Najib that whatever he do, he certainly report to Najib. For your info, Shahrol is currently PEMANDU’s Director of Oil, Gas & Energy and Financial Services’ National Key Economic Areas (NKEA), as well as handling the Government’s Role in Business Strategic Reform Initiative (SRI). He is also the President and Chief Executive Officer of Malaysia Petroleum Resources Corporation (MPRC), an agency to promote, catalyse and transform the oil and gas services and manufacturing sector to become stronger entities in the industry. Datuk Shahrol was the founding Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of 1MDB.
    Therefore, it goes without saying & denying that both Sharol & Najibul Bullshit remain culpable to the very end. It's clear cut that Shahrol is made the korban Kambing Bandot, in this sandiwara.

    The BOD of 1MDB takes instruction from the Chairman who is also the PM of Malaysia even though it is not in writing. The PM has deep interest as it was he who initiated 1MDB, The most powerful figure in Msia today.

    The same goes with the CEO. Both the BOD and CEO are highly educated and experienced personnel, but sad to say that they are Dumb Asses. How can they allow themselves be accountable for following instructions that are not in writing?


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