Sunday, September 22, 2013

Otak Ahli Parlimen Yang Bijak.. UMNO ada?

ini aku copy dan paste dari sebuah blog, jarang benar aku setuju dengan penulis ini dalam soal bicara politiknya tetapi apa yang baik tentulah kena sokong.

Bagi tajuk di bawah, apakah pemikiran ini ada pada ahli parlimen dan pemimpin umno yang sedang sebok berkempen memenangkan diri sendiri atau kroni mereka. Jika ada, kenapa tidak dibawa keperingkat paling tinggi untuk diperhalusi dan dilaksanakan.

Jika pihak atasan kurang bersetuju, kenapa tidak jadikan satu perjuangan, beri penerangan yang berterusan dan terus memperjuangkannya, bukankah sumpah pemimpin umno semuanya kerana 'ugama bangsa dan negara' !!

Najib has launched the Bumiputera economic empowerment Plan. BEEP. It has come to this now. Twittering, face booking, blogging, whats-apping and now beep-ing he country. Naib will be  beep-ing the Malays so that they can take their rightful place in our country. After NEPing the country, Malay equity stands around 23%? Does ownership of this 23% mean anything to the ordinary Malays who have the face the daily grind of life?
23% is owned by GLCs, the Malay elite, the privileged and the Malay monied class. This BEEP is going to turn into another excuse to justify the rape and plunder. After raping the girl repeatedly, the rapist presents her with a bunch of flowers. This is exactly what the BEEP announced by Najib represents- the presentation of a bunch of flowers after the raping the Malay lady over and over again.
 If you can’t dazzle people with your brilliance, confound them with your bullshit.
There are almost 10 million Malays living with a monthly income of RM1500. Why aren’t these people directly aided? Why do we arrogate ourselves the authority and omniscience to even claim we know what is best for the Malays? The ordinary Malay knows he wants to get out of poverty if only he has the means to. So why don’t we give them the means to? The problems of the present lot of 10 million people must be tackled immediately.
Why must we create an artificial layer of decision makers, central planners to work out things for us? It’s good that we acknowledge education, re-skilling and advanced training to be the means. Buts that for future generation and it’s also a deferred realization. What about the now and present? The 10 million destitute- no house, no land, no money, many children , no income generating resources?
I have gone around with a keener awareness about what to do with the people of Raub. To me, if we want to help the Malays, we do the Raub Model. 3 things the government must do. Help the 10 million people directly by (1) building them really affordable and decent homes (2) give them land (3) give them capital. Then they work. They have a home over their heads, they have land on which to cultivate and they have capital in hand, presently to start their enterprise off the land. No need for that elaborate structuring of a blueprint thought about by a central body directing economic enterprise.

This is a fundamental error the government is repeating.  We all know the role of government. A minimalist umpire responsible for a certain number of specific functions. Beyond that, we must have faith in the market system. If we continue placing faith in a handful of men/women who plan our lives, then we are going to regret the decision. If we allow ourselves to believe in the myth of trickle down sharing of wealth, we are also going to get disappointed. Help the poor and destitute directly.
Instead the government plans to spend through the middleman institutions. Education is deferred wealth creation. You reap the benefits of education years later. In the meantime, the 10 million living on less RM1500 per month will do what? Every essential item has increased in purchase price- rice, sugar, fish, meat, food stuffs,. Transport, utilities, etc.
These 10 million ordinary Malays face the daily grind of life. A pair of Bata shoes has increased by RM3. The cost of living is going up. The self-employed in the kampungs living on a monthly allowance of RM300 per month , with 3-4 children, rented housing will have to make ends meet. These people are destitute. Why are they not aided directly?
Here is something which I cant understand. We know who the destitute and poor are. But we don’t aid and assist them directly. We don’t appoint them to wealth creation resources.


  1. Wrong Wrong Wrong.
    Number 1 - Give them EDUCATION - Minimise the loan subsidise the education industries.
    Number 2 - Control Land and Housing. Only government can develope land and build houses. No more speculation and no more the rich can owns million of hectares but the poor could only renting at neck chocking rate to finance for the rich buying more houses.
    Number 3 - Control Monopoly. All the wealth could be equally distributed.
    By helping the general public equally, the Malays economic growth will be proportional to the population percentage and nobody will be discriminated economically.

    1. Satu pendapat dan idea yang lebih baik - UMNO ada?
      Pendidikan - makin terhakis dengan kurangnya pembelajaran percuma dan biasiswa, Peruntukkan banyak dibelanjakan kepada propaganda dan pengiklanan kerajaan dan lain-lain skop yang kurang penting.
