Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Dari umno ke BERSATU,  kini dan selamanya, masih slow dan lambat dalam membuat keputusan.

UMNO belum diharamkan.

# Kalau ada yg bertanya kenapa masih sebok dengan umno?
Dulu pun masa DAP jadi pembangkang, org umno pun sebok juga hal DAP,  PKR,  PAS. AMANAH DAN BERSATU walau jadi kerajaan.
Jadi sebelum tanya fikir dulu.

Sekarang kerajaan PH berjalan lancar,  tiada isu besar kecuali yang digembar gemburkan.
Isu² kecil selesai dengan teguran rakyat.


  1. Din Pagoh tak berani bersuara, takut terjerat mcm mintri2 sarkas cap ayam yg lain tu...

    Mintri Pelajaran jadi nazir kat sekolah
    Mintri KBS setakat kutip sampah & perjuang LGBT
    Mintri Agama tak suka tahfiz
    Mintri Pertanian hanya tau harga tomato
    Mintri Kewangan setakat usung tabung tin milo

    Ada 38 hari lagi...

    1. Seronok tengok askar najib kalah perang meroyan...hihihi

    2. Menteri pelajaran xtau sekolah xdpt peruntukan.
      Menteri kbs xsedar 100 juta boleh hilang.
      Menteri agama guna duit yayasan beli golf simulator, minum teh tarik dilondon utk btau psl ruu355 dan jln2 diperancis sbb nk bg kursus kawen.
      Menteri kewangan wujudkan 1mdb, hutang berbillion tapi semua salah org lain

  2. Mana Kera Bapuk Bodo?
    Tak kesian ker kat KD (Keldai Daoh) ni susah2 buat posting tak der sambutan.

    Macai2 lain dah lemas terkedu dek tertelan terlalu banyak air kencing...


    1. Ko telan banyak sangat kincin najib...anak najib yg syok dgn amoi Taiwan wooo.....

  3. Seronok juga layan orang mental...

    Cuba tanya, dia mengaku tak wire dia shottt


    1. Blog hang jadi tpt mereka melepaskan tekanan perasaan selepas kehilangan sumber dedak. Biarkan mereka meracau. Seronok jugak tengok.

    2. Tempat melepaskan kesedihan ...tokey dedak dah bangsat...hihihi

  4. dlm system demokrasi berparliamen, jumlah wakil rakyat amat penting.

    dgn jumlah 13 MP, amat sukar utk pemimpin2 PPBM menunjulkan diri (ini lebih psychological).

    misi sekarang adalah utk memperkukuhkan kedudukan dlm parliament.

    saya harap sesuatu gerakan yg konkrit sdg d usahakan utk mencapai matalamat ini.

    mcmmana? itu kita serahkan kpd 'think tank' PPBM.

  5. Bersatu kena usahalah sikit kempen tambah ahli dari golongan non partisan...Maszlee dulu non partisan...jangan harap sangat ahli umno lompat terutamanye mp2...buat program tarik ahli baru...sekarang tiada sekatan lagi oleh umno...

  6. Setuju dgn cakap Rais yatim....tak perlu tunggu ape2 pon RoS saja yg perlu buat keputusan...yg haram jangan dihalalkan plak...makin naik tocang...

  7. AG Swiss: Apandi enggan kerjasama isu 1MDB

    11 Jul 2018, 3:27 petang (Dikemaskini 11 Jul 2018, 3:29 petang)

    A A
    Peguam Negara Switzerland Michael Lauber mendakwa Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali enggan bekerjasama dalam siasatan berkaitan 1MDB ketika mengetuai Pejabat Peguam Negara Malaysia.

    Lauber membuat dakwaan itu selepas bertemu pengganti Apandi, Tommy Thomas semalam.

    “Sejak 2015, (kami telah) menjalankan siasatan di Switzerland dan sejak awal, kami cuba bekerjasama rapat dengan Amerika Syarikat, Singapura, Luxembourg.

    “Dan kami juga cuba dengan Malaysia tetapi pada masa itu, pada 2016, kami disahkan bahawa peguam negara Malaysia ketika itu tidak mahu bekerjasama dengan kami,” dakwanya.

    Pejabat Peguam Negara Switzerland (OAG) telah meminta bantuan undang-undang bersama daripada Malaysia untuk dua kes tetapi dilaporkan tidak mendapat maklum balas.

    Apandi dilantik sebagai peguam negara pada Julai 2015.

    Beliau dilantik selepas Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail digugurkan sebagai peguam negara, sejurus sebelum beliau dikatakan mahu mendakwa perdana menteri ketika itu Datuk Seri Najib Razak di mahkamah.

    Apandi telah membersihkan Najib daripada sebarang salah laku pada Januari 2016.

    Pada pilihan raya 9 Mei, BN yang dipimpin Najib tumbang buat kali pertama dalam sejarah pemerintahan 61 tahun, sejak merdeka.

    Perdana menteri baru, Tun Dr Mahahir Mohamad, yang kembali menerajui negara buat kali kedua mendakwa Apandi cuba menutup isu itu dan mengarahkannya bercuti.

  8. Time To Clear Out The Police Force To Create The New Malaysia
    Time To Clear Out The Police Force To Create The New Malaysia
    10 July 2018 16
    The word ‘service’ needs to return to its proper meaning in Malaysia’s Police Service. Years of endemic corruption have allowed for the wrong people to rise to the top and for little Hitlers to flourish in the lower ranks. The country’s record on police brutality and corruption is shaming.

    Whilst the majority of the rank and file wish to do a decent job for their commuities, these bad apples and their henchmen have abused power to profit from criminality rather than combat it, making the force as much a mafia as a guardian of law and order.

    Take for example the horrifying experience of online activist Jason Lim, who dared to report a KL massage parlour for hiring an abusive illegal foreign worker to the police.

    Within a very short time indeed, as Mr Lim has exclusively detailed to Sarawak Report, he found himself the target of a malicious prosecution instead, fully supported by the police to whom he had naively made his original complaint.

    Remanded for four days in a police lock-up, it was he and not the massage parlour owner, who experienced violent and degrading behaviour and later charges and a public prosecution. Although it is now established the parlour was hiring an illegal worker only the worker and not the proprietor have been sanctioned.

    During the months that Mr Lim has attempted to stand up for his rights and defend his case, he says he has continued to experience extreme harassment and shocking assaults on the open street, by officers, apparently hoping to gain assurances that he would not go public about the case or the behaviour of the police to his online followers.

    Just yesterday, Sarawak Report received evidence that an unmarked police car with false number plates pulled up outside the house of anti corruption campaigner, whom Jason Lim had come to visit, from which the undercover officers conducted blatant monitoring.

    Challenged - identified police officers hovering in a car with false plates outside the home of an anti-corruption campaigner who met with Lim on Monday
    Challenged – identified police officers were hovering in a car with false plates outside the home of an anti-corruption campaigner, who met with Lim on Monday

    Given that unhealthy links between the massage parlour industry and certain areas of the police force, in the form of a widespread protection racket, have been extensively reported in the news over recent months, surely officers dealing with a complaint of this nature ought to have acted very differently, especially after the change of government have ushered in very different expectations?

    Instead, after failing for 8 months to present convincing evidence of the first set of charges for ‘criminal intimidation’ that they attempted to pursue against Jason Lim, the police have now replaced those charges in favour of a brand new case opened against him for alleged ‘extortion’ related to the very same original complaint. It is a charge that carries a punishment of whipping and up to ten years imprisonment if Jason is convicted.

    It is well known that the use of extortion charges are an established technique for turning the tables in a prosecution case (at least in places like the old Malaysia), should the police choose to favour the subject of a complaint over the person who has reported them.

    According to this mad reversal, the person who has been reported simply alleges that the complainant was trying to ‘extort’ them through reporting their misdemeanor to the police, at which point the police side with the alleged victim of extortion, even though the complainant has already reported them to the police!

    MyWatch chairman Sri Sanjeevan, who campaigns against police corruption was acquitted of similar charges after a full trial in May

    1. Kalo Muhyidfin lembap integriti pasukan polis sukar dipulihkan...Nama baik Bersatu dan PH turut tetjejas teruk..

  9. TS Muhyiddin tak boleh haramkan UmNo. UmNo telah diberikan lanjutan masa oleh ROS dan hanya mahkamah boleh buat semakan kehakiman ke atas keputusan ini. Itu dari sudut undang-undang yang saya faham.

    Dari sudut hikmah pula, saya melihat UmNo masih tidak diharamkan atau dibatalkan kerana ia bakal menerima nasib yang paling padan lagi sesuai dengannya dan paling baik untuk umat Melayu Islam ini, iaitu dilupuskan sama sekali apabila sampai waktunya.

    Tak lama dah tu, in shaa Allah.

    1. Tak lama dah Bg Non pujaan nak jadi PM. Sabaq sat no Ost John...

  10. Din Pagoh dlm penyesalan yg tak sudah. Ingat keluar UMNO masuk Bersatu boleh jadi PM. Rupanya jauh panggang dari api.



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