Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Image result for bsi bank singaporeSingapore orders bank involved with 1MDB to shut down

The Monetary Authority of Singapore has ordered BSI Bank, which is under the limelight for its dealings with 1MDB, to close down.
Image result for bsi bank singapore
According to Reuters, Singapore's central bank withdrew the Swiss bank's status as a merchant bank in the city state.

The grounds provided include "serious breaches of anti-money laundering requirements, poor management oversight of the bank's operations and gross misconduct by some of the bank's staff.

Such action had not been taken by the Singapore authorities in 32 years.

This is the first time that the Monetary Authority of Singapore is withdrawing its approval for a merchant bank since 1984, when Jardine Fleming (Singapore) Pte Ltd was shut down for serious lapses in its advisory work," it was quoted as saying.

The monetary authority said it has also referred six members of BSI Bank's senior management and staff to the public prosecutor.

Read more: https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/342708

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  1. spin internal bank matters ... no relevancy ... go fly kite !!!

  2. OOI go fly kite, butuh hang !!! Awat hang tak tau nak comments on this ka?
    Awat hang kata spin? Malu ka nak jawap ? Atau dedak dah nak habis?
    Hari nie rabu, kelmarin SELASA !!!
    Pie mampuih hang dng Najib laknatullah ok !!! Muka tak Malu Lah oooiiii !!!

  3. fly kite fly kite a kind of parasites
    don't you know his brain is outside
    he loves jibby always taking his side
    he is as dirty as jibby's backside

    dulu flykite skrg fly air balloon
    eloklah tu meletop boleh go soon
    setiap hari guna tisu dan air sabun
    boleh ajak mak bapak sekali tonton

    ini cai dah buta perut
    dahlah tu kuat mencarut
    perkara yang salah dia nak ikut
    sanggup hidu jibby terkentut..

  4. AhJibNogk oh AhJibNgok....


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