Saturday, September 3, 2016


Awal pagi ini  (4/9/16) ada kawan whatsapp mempertikaikan kenapa blog ini tidak fokus juga kepada isu rasuah DAP.

Bagi aku,  jawapannya di sini..
1) Isu 1MDB lebih besar, tuduhan skandal ke atasnya tidak dapat dijawab,  tidak dijawab,  jawapan berbelit...
Kalau isu sebesar itupun masih ada segelintir puak yang tahu tapi pura pura bengong kerana dedak punya pasal..
Apalah sangat isu rasuah DAP, celah gigi ...

Bagi aku bukan sahaja rasuah DAP yang perlu ditentang, tetapi kerakusan DAP itu sendiri yang perlu dilenyapkan terlebih dahulu...

Malangnya ada segelintir pemimpin umno yang memelihara DAP supaya kekal racist..
Mereka memerlukan DAP untuk menakut nakutkan segelintir Melayu dan memang ada puak Melayu buta kayu yang termakan hasutan itu..

DAP tidak ada kekuatan jika pemimpin Melayu umno mengamalkan Islam Al Quran,  Sunnah dan Hadith (bukan Islam ulama politik cari makan)   takut Allah bukan sikit sikit tetapi 100% bererti amanah dan akhlak yang baik..

Kalau akhlak pemimpin umno hancus,  apakah ada beza dengan DAP (?)

Jadi kalau ada yang menuduh aku dapigs, lebih baik yang menuduh itu main air longkang... Tidak ada bezanya dia dengan air longkang.  !!!


#tulisan yg di luar tajuk akan dihapuskan.


  1. It seems KD, I put a little bit of lines and put some joker into the limelight, hey presto! I stepped on a lot of dogs' tails, that is/are the Pirate and the Fish-Burn's lapdogs.....would be a darn waste of time to beat back since these are bunch of.....aghhh.... no need to say it, since they are a disgrace anyway.

    Well, PAC, JAN-Auditor General (Jabatan Audit Negara OSAed Report), BNM's letter regarding Good Star are some light reading material yet so very damning to the Bugis-Pirate that basing on these alone are win hands-down to the Tun M's unpaid legions! Hence the dog's were let out early.

    See, that's a the advantage we have 13 hours away behind yet we're so ahead in what comes in the morning! And you know what, explaining is to the country folks and in very very plain language and we will, by the grace of Allah, In Sya Allah the folks in back-country will see the damage what 1MDB, Donation Craps, the DOJ's money-laundering 'CIVIL' suits (the dogs pretending not to know what is forthcoming?) that these are the detriments that the No. 1 Pirate and his 40 Amigos are a whole bunch of thieves which have been EXPOSED, period!


    1. Komen ni lagi berbahasa tinggi. Siap ada dogs, pirates, amigos; thieves, lapdog . Keep it up bro?

    2. Bro 11:09

      There is nothing more urgent and dire for us to 'titik cukup cukup' all honkey-donkey silly subservient to bugis-pirate....for them without a hinch of conscience coupled with comment that showed they don't go pass 3-4 pages of all important documents and articles and evidences! What more to go through thousands of pages hence, their empty between the ears!

      Kita orang di North America simply are concerned citizens and the disrepute brought about by the Chief Pirate "...layar di kembang sauh di labuh..." that its a call of duty even in our smallest way to chip in.

      That said, we're inspired and encouraged by people like you and the bloggers such as KD and others firing on all cylinders thumping down all macai-jibon!

      May we succeed in getting rid of the ills brought about by decaying UMNO and its cohorts.

      Mind you we're ex-UMNO.

  2. banyak besa bro ... UMNO bantu banyak melayu dan bumiputera dan jangan nafikan .. tapi DAP tolong sapa ? si kapir harbi ni ? parti anak beranak ni ? woooo jauh bezanya .... go fly kite !!!

  3. Alamak..cukuplah Muhiydeen pertahankan DAP.

  4. Dari segi kaki kencing dan aktif merasuah - tak banyak beza.

    UMNO hebat untu MelsyuIslam secara puratanya memang hebat di era Tungku hingga Mahathir.

    Dieta Paklah hampeh
    Di era Najib - zaman penyamun, lebih teruk

  5. diera madey lagi hampeh ... jgn ingat rakyat marhain bodoh !!!

    1. Hampeh atok kau
      Kalau bukan era mahathir...
      Hari ni kau masih bangang pasal internet

  6. Jangan salahkan Najib...
    Kalau penyokongnya tak bangang macam lembu kat jat, dah lama najub turun takhta.

  7. xde sape pun nak join pribumi yg mcm mercun basah

    1. Betul tu memang tak ada siapa nak join, beruk monyet pun tak sudi, tupasal kena luluskan segera.

    2. Betul tu... sekarang ni yang jadi monyet pemakan dedak. Belum pon lulus asyik nak melompat sana sini.

      Lulus dulu barulah bising...

      Ke melalak sebab telor dah kena picit.... he he he





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