Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Jika nama Rafizi terpahat sebagai PM satu masa nanti, bukan diluar jangkaan dan mustahil.
Oleh kerana yang nak sangat jadi PM adalah Azmin, biarlah Rafizi selepas itu supaya kemampuan keduanya tidak dibazirkan.

Vokal dan bermaklumat, berani dan kehadapan..

Pelapis 10-15 tahun lagi sebagai generasi pemimpin yang akan menerajui negara ke tahap yang lebih cemerlang..

Satu-satunya anak Melayu yang mempunyai otak setara excellent Tun Dr Mahathir..

# Tidak seperti umno yang ketandusan brilliant pemimpin pelapis, tiada pilihan, najib sahaja.

Syabas dah tahniah kepada Husam dan Wan Rahim, perjuangan untuk rakyat sudah tentu tidak memerlukan apa apa gelaran. Rakyat Kelantan berjiwa Tok Kenali sudah tentu tidak gentar pada mana-mana tekanan.


  1. Sharizat ketika ditanya apa pekerjaan anaknya dlm nfc dia jawab tak tau pekerjaan anknya .wal hal 1 pejabat dgn suaminya logik ke alasan mcm tu??? Siap najib bagi jawatan bertaraf menteri lagi walaupun kalah pada pru lalu.suaminya boleh plk bebas.xberbaloi ko masuk kedalam rafizi,berusahalah jgn hanya tunggu keajaiban.🐮

  2. Mampus jer puak ni.... entah apanya faedah si kaki fitnah ni hidup.... sampai melangit hingga nak junjung jd pm masa hadapan.... koranf ni ni memang umat yg gila darjat.

    1. Sila meninggal!

    2. Kenapa Yang sokong lanun Banyak maki hamun Dan berbahasa least, bincang dengan fakta Dan hujah.Tunjuk nya kurang

    3. Itu lah sebabnya dia orang makan dedak. Sudah tidak upaya mencari rezki yang halal. Orang orang kurang IQ mudah sisuap dedak

    4. Cara ayat2 dari suharli memang level rendah. Mujur lah ada dedak. Lain kerja apa yang dia bolih buat??

  3. Tq KD, Rafizi wajar diberi penghargaan - tanpa Rafizi, mana mungkin Ketua Wanita umno popular dengan Ijat Lembu.

    Suharli pun nak tumpang nama tu ke?

  4. Lafizzy Raspussy memang patut kena penjara kerana jadi barua tegar DAPig Zionist untuk fitnah PAS!!

    1. Aku setuju dengan paulembu.

    2. KERAJORA BAPUK bodoo pembela prompakWednesday, February 07, 2018 3:06:00 AM

      Fitnah lagi...sape kena fitnah saman lah sebagai bukti kena fitnah...hahaha...kalo tak mao saman maknanye bukan fitnah...

    3. Kah kah kah ,DAP ke memaksa lanun ujud !MDB ,keringkan Felda . Kah kah kah. DAP begitu berkuasa???

    4. Anonymous said...
      PA$ tak perlu difitnah. Dah terang dan nyata. Pak lebai yang ada dalam parti PA$$$ tak laku dan bodoh bodoh belaka. Si hadi jadi MB ganu satu penggal shja. Itu pun dah kira mujur 1 penggal. Kalau nak diikutkan hati rakyat ganu nak humban si hadi selepas 5 6 bulan jadi MB. Rakyat ganu 95% islam dan ingin rasa pemerintahan islam seperti kelantan. Tapi malang nya dapat Si Hadi gilo. Terpaksa rakyat ganu tunggu pru untuk sepak tendang dan terajang si hadi gilo.. orang ganu bukan orang jahil. Ingin sangat2 kekalkan pemerintahan islam sperti Arwah TGNA tdbir kelate. Hadi hnya dpt sokongan segelintir rkyat marang/rusila dn di luar ganu. Orang ganu dah tahu si hadi ada masalah mental tak mungkin blh bgi jdi MB lagi. Ni pula ada hati nk jadi PM??. Memang zalim.. dh sakit mental teruk nk bebankn otak lagi. Menzalimi diri sendiri.xpyh laaa. Jadi PM????. Hahahahahahaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  5. 30 bolan jer... ingat 30 tahun penjara dan kerja beratt

    kikikikiki... berambossssss... gud bye romeoo... aawwwwuu.. tak rela uuuu.....

    1. Haha, bongok punya mangkok berayon! Ko punya blog apa cerita,sembang setakat angin je ko ni,selalu pakai huruf besar tapi kena delete, kahkahkah! BERAMBOOOOSSSSS

  6. Umno tiada pilihan, najib sahaja..

    Sedih aku dengar ayat KD

  7. KERAJORA BAPUK bodoo pembela prompakWednesday, February 07, 2018 3:19:00 AM

    Ostad nasha loyar buruk tersoho mualaf shafei hj hadi semua kata kena fitnah dengan rafizi terima duit 1 mdb dari najib..

    Sekor pon takut nak saman walo mengaum nak saman...loyar buruk tersoho pon bisu dengan rafizi..

    Shahrir samad pon ngaum kuat nak saman rafizi kerana fitnah felda beli hotel di london bukan milik atas nama felda...tapi dah 2 bulan Shahrir bisu

    Rafizi fitnah lagi pengembalian hak milik tanah hq felda hanye wayang shahrir....shahrir tak berani jawab...

    Rahman dahlan gertak nak saman kerana silap kaitkan kontraktor expo mesia dengan sedara Rahman....Last2 Rahman jugak kebisuan...kes rapid penggerang jual saham kepada arab salman Rahman tak berani jawab soklan rafizi dlm parlimen...

    Rafizi cabar rizal mansur ulang sebut pasal invoke....rizal mansur terus diam sampai sekarang...

    Heran aku kenape ramai yg takut dengan Rafizi....dulu semua garang gertak nak saman...

    Ini kehebatan Rafizi yg petah berhujjah dengan fakta...

    Umno ade pemimpin muda hebat tapi hebat isi tembolok dan buncitkan perut dengan dedak haram...

    1. KERAJORA BAPUK bodoo pembela prompakWednesday, February 07, 2018 4:15:00 AM

      Kes Mara beli aset di ostralia Hazwan bro saman Rafizi kerana fitnah tapi Hazwan bro yg kena bayar 70000 kpd Rafizi....hehehehe...

  8. KERAJORA BAPUK bodoo pembela prompakWednesday, February 07, 2018 3:23:00 AM

    No light at end of tunnel row: CM makes MCA's 'proof' go 'poof'
    7 Feb 2018, 4:46 pm (Updated 7 Feb 2018, 6:51 pm)

    Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has brushed off MCA's alleged "proof" that he lied about a Chinese construction firm related to the undersea tunnel project.

    Lim said he had never mentioned in March 2013 that China Railway Construction Corporation (CRCC) was the main shareholder of the undersea tunnel's special purpose vehicle Consortium Zenith Construction Sdn Bhd.

    He stressed that he has always referred to CRCC as the project's main contractor, who had signed an agreement and acknowledgement of commitment between the state government and Zenith.

    He added that at the time in 2013, lawyers had not finalised the agreement between the three parties – Penang government, Zenith as the successful tenderer and CRCC as the main contractor.

    "The conclusive legal position was only finalised when the agreement was signed by the three parties, on Oct 6, 2013 and stamped on Oct 29, 2013," Lim said in a statement today.

    "What I had said in March 2013, before the agreement was signed in October 2013, was in reference to the joint-venture between the parties.

    "The type of 'joint-venture' is clarified legally and conclusively by the contractual agreement that was signed and stamped in October 2013.

    "In that contractual agreement, it is clear that CRCC is the main contractor," he added.

    Yesterday, Wee (photo) claimed he had "solid proof" of Lim saying otherwise.

    He cited Lim saying in state publication Buletin Mutiara that:

    “The state government had awarded the tender to Consortium Zenith BUCG, a special purpose vehicle company set up by a joint venture between local company Construction Zenith, CRCC along with Beijing Urban Construction Group, Sri Tinggi Sdn Bhd and Juteras Sdn Bhd.”

    'No need to explain the contradiction'

    Lim claimed that whatever he said before October 2013, is not as important or as relevant compared to the contractual agreement signed at the time.

    He questioned why Wee had raised this question five years later if he knew there was a contradiction in 2013.

    "Clearly there was none. There would be a need to explain the contradiction if I had said this after October 2013, after the contractual agreement was signed, that CRCC was a shareholder and not the main contractor," Lim added.

    He said the dispute over the words "contractor" and "shareholder" does not equate to corruption.

    Lim urged Wee to explain where the corruption was in the entire tunnel and the related project of three main roads.

    He also asked if Wee could show proof that there were kickbacks amounting to millions of ringgit paid to the Penang government leaders as alleged.

    "Wee must explain where was the corruption to dispel the negative impression of a dual selective investigation by MACC and a political witch hunt by BN.

    "They are misusing their control of the BN media to smear the reputation of Penang state government leaders," Lim alleged.

    In view of this, Lim said that Wee's "solid proof" had in fact gone "poof.

    Read more at https://m.malaysiakini.com/news/411458#P8UczOTj21EvZ2gG.99

  9. KERAJORA BAPUK bodoo pembela prompakWednesday, February 07, 2018 3:52:00 AM

    Minyak naik lagi....melayu bodoo kena sembelih lagi dengan najin...

    1. Kerajora bapukera sasauwan, bila minyak naik, bukan Melayu je yg kena, orang Afrika mcm kau yg jd pendatang kat Malaysia pun turut merasa juga kenaikan harga minyak.
      Padan muka kau.

    2. KERAJORA BAPUK bodoo pembela prompakWednesday, February 07, 2018 5:41:00 AM

      Hahahaha....melayu bodoo...orang afrika bukan duduk kekal di mesia...padan muka ko laa ngok ...sokong dan bela najib tapi najib sembelih ko hihihihik5... Aku tak sokong tak pe laaa....boooohdoo samevmcm lembunkak ijat...hehehe

    3. KERAJORA BAPUK bodoo pembela prompakWednesday, February 07, 2018 7:27:00 AM

      Ko suka main taik...otak sewel....hahahahaha...

    4. KERAJORA BAPUK bodoo pembela prompakWednesday, February 07, 2018 7:37:00 AM

      Komen merapoo ko kena delete nanti oleh admin...ko ingat ini blog haprak Cucu tok sekampit kaki putar ko bebas merapoo ...hik5

  10. KERAJORA BAPUK bodoo pembela prompakWednesday, February 07, 2018 4:00:00 AM

    Rafizi pemimpin muda yg berani korbankan diri nak dedahkan kejahatan dan penyelewengan pemimpin umno...dia pernah kata tak takut masuk penjara demi tegakkan kebenaran...

    Tabik spring untuk you Rafizi yg berani bukan macam pemimpin umno yg hipokrit dan munafik....hanye pentingkan tembolok dan perut...

    1. Kerajora bapukera sasauwan cuma lancang dlm blog je. Rafizi berani bercakap di sidang media.

      Kau tu harapkan telor je besar, pelir kecik.

    2. KERAJORA BAPUK bodoo pembela prompakWednesday, February 07, 2018 5:48:00 AM

      Hahaha...ko dan najib mana ade tulur...mana ade kemaluan...najib berani cakap kat mana?...debat takut saman takut....lari lintang pukang nyorok dlm kain semah bila terjumpa tun madey...ko memang tak de kemaluan berketuakan pengecut...

      Ko ni dah sasau...rafizi berani bercakap di mana2 pon...dlm parlimen, mahkamah wacana oleh karang kraf....dungu dan sasau serta bebal laa ko ni sejak makan dedak haram najib...hahahahahahaaaaa...

    3. KERAJORA BAPUK bodoo pembela prompakWednesday, February 07, 2018 5:55:00 AM

      Kalo aku lah bila orang yg aku sokong nak sembelih aku suka2 dia mcm najin aku tendang laa...aku tak bodooo mcm ko...cina jho lo dia kasi billion2 ....melayu bodoo yg sokong dia mcm ko hampir papa kedana...

    4. Aku sokong Rafizi sbb dia cakap ok, tak kotor, tapi aku benci makhluk yg namanya kerajora bapukera.

      Org mcm ni yg menyebabkan pembangkang Malaysia payah nak menang.

      Org meluat dan benci, mcm setan.

    5. Taik masa depan nak jadi pm masa depan..hik5..

    6. KERAJORA BAPUK bodoo pembela prompakWednesday, February 07, 2018 7:16:00 AM

      6.05 ko main wayang sebab kena batang hidung ko...hik5

    7. KERAJORA BAPUK bodoo pembela prompakWednesday, February 07, 2018 7:18:00 AM

      6.41' budak kampong hanye pandai main taik jeer dari tahun lepas lagi....hik5...

      Nak berhujjah tak reti....hahahaha...

    8. KERAJORA BAPUK bodoo pembela prompakWednesday, February 07, 2018 8:01:00 AM

      Najib upah cai yg pandai main wayang dan yg pandai main taik jee masuk dlm blog Kluangman....tak de ker lagi cai yg pro sikit yg boleh berhujjah nak bela najib?...hik5...tinggal yg bodoo2 je dlm umno kata tun madey..

  11. KERAJORA BAPUK bodoo pembela prompakWednesday, February 07, 2018 7:21:00 AM

    on a law that was abolished in 2013.

    It makes it an illegal judgement.  Yet, Rafizi Ramily was fully prepared for the negative ruling, issuing video statements in both English and Malay in anticipation of being sent to jail on the basis of a law that no longer exists.  That is BN’s Malaysia for you, should you choose to become an effective spokesman for the opposition!

    This sensationally peculiar ruling was no less outragoues or perverse, of course, than the one that also succeeded in jailing the opposition leader himself, when Anwar’s full acquittal on a criminal charge was immediately and outlandishly appealed by the prosecution.  To appeal an acquital in a criminal case is a tactic that the legal system quite rightly completely rules out, unless dramatic new evidence has been discovered at a later stage.  This was absolutely not the situation in Anwar’s case, where prosecutors simply  appealed the verdict of innocence, there and then on the basis that it did not suit the Prime Minister.

    In similar vein, two days ago, yet another key opposition leader, Tian Chua, was found “guilty” for exclaiming “bastard” and “stupid police” when officers snatched his phone from his hand in a hotel foyer whilst he was using it back in 2014 (they were investigating him for an allegedly ‘seditious tweet’, a charge they later quietly dropped).

    Who wouldn’t utter such words or worse under such circumstances?  However, the police say their “modesty was insulted” and under Malaysia’s bonkers administration of present justice, the judge agreed.  Crucially for the administration, this also disqualifies Tian Chua from running in the election!

    Both Rafizi and Tian Chua have been harried and hounded in this manner repeated times by the ruling party and its various tame officials. In his video’d statement Rafizi points out that he has been subject to no less than 13 separate charges since he began campaigning against rampant corruption in high circles since the last election and arrested many times.

    Tian Chua has also been forced on numerous occasions to do time in custody and face trials for this and that for being a similarly doughty, brave and able campaigner against corruption.

    Greedy Cow

    In the case of Rafizi, as everybody in Malaysia knows, the sin he committed was to expose one of the most outrageous scandals to come to recent light relating to senior figures in the present government, who treat the public coffers as if they are their personal piggy banks from which hundreds of millions can be raided.

    The matter was dubbed the National Feedlot Scandal – or more simply Cowgate – after Rafizi revealed that RM250 million of public money was quietly funnelled into a supposed cattle rearing project ‘to feed the poor’ through a  company that just happened to be owned by the husband of one of Najib’s most loyal ministers, the hatchet faced Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.

    Rafizi produced documents to show that whilst the Feedlot project quickly foundered, with barely a cow in sight to help feed the poor, Shahrizat’s husband had been investing in luxury high-end condos designed to accommodate the likes of their super-rich BN cronies. It was those documents that proved Rafizi’s undoing.

    1. KERAJORA BAPUK bodoo pembela prompakWednesday, February 07, 2018 7:22:00 AM

      Because, as he points out in his video statement, whilst no effort whatsoever has been made to prosecute or hold to account those who managed to lose RM250 of public money meant for the poor, whilst finding plenty of financing to invest in fancy condos, the full force of Malaysia’s legal apparatus was immediately turned against him and his source for revealing banking documents that exposed the scandal.

      It is not the only case he is facing prosecution over as a whistleblower.  The diversion of millions of ringgit from an army pension to finance land purchases from 1MDB has also caught Rafizi’s ire, quite rightly, and he denounced that fact also.  However, the revelation had been made public through a segment of the Auditor General’s report on the billion dollar 1MDB scandal, which ought under the constitution have been classified a public document.

      However, in an act of illegality and outrageous abuse of power, Prime Minister Najib had declared the report an Official Secret (after having earlier promised the public that they could rely on it for answers when it was published) meaning that Rafizi was prosecuted for referring to it as evidence to the theft of Armed Forces pension money.

      Once again Rafizi stands to be convicted of this ‘crime’ and further jailed, although no effort is being made to prosecute those revealed to have connived at this theft from the old age pensions of service men, who risked their lives to serve their country.

      Another opposition political figure facing malicious prosecution for standing up for the public interest is, of course, the DAP leader Guan Eng, persecuted on flimsy grounds for allegedly getting a good deal on his private house purchase.

      Meanwhile, Malaysians have been forced to look on as the most gross and greedy crimes of all have rested at the door of their own Prime Minister, who is behind each and every one of these politically motivated prosecutions.  Najib plainly has come to the decision that he will use every instrument at his disposal to go after all his political enemies and beat down the opposition so they can’t put forward their leading lights at the next election.  Preferably he wants these leading lights and able spokesmen banged up behind bars, so that they can’t campaign at all.  However he will have been disappointed that in Rafizi’s case the judge has allowed him to remain free pending an appeal.

      Furthermore, by cracking down on ‘whistleblowers’, even if that means resorting to using legislation that no longer exists, Najib hopes to put off anyone else thinking of bringing out further scandals (and there are very many lurking) relating to his termally corrupted administration before polling day.

      Other intimidation strategies include planned further censorship laws to encompass individual remarks on social media to silence “Fake News”.  This is how Najib plans to win the ‘propaganda war’ – by locking up critics and barring opposition candidates from running.

      He plainly thinks this, together with an armoury of cash and other strong arm tactics, will serve to subdue the Malaysian electorate into a resigned relection of himself and his band of BN brothers.

      But, maybe Malaysians are made of sterner stuff and more moral fibre?  What is clear is that only the people of Malaysia can now take the decision and make the move to intervene and rescue the brave warriors like Anwar, Rafizi, Tain Chua and others who have been willing to sacrifice their freedom to stand up for the public interest and what is right.

      They will have to vote against Najib and set such people free once more.

      Your views are valuable to us, but Sarawak Report kindly requests that comments be deposited in suitable language and do not support racism or violence or we will be forced to withdraw them from the site.



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