Wednesday, March 21, 2018
R. A. H. M. A. N
N Najib
Itu yang terakhir berdasarkan teori..
Apalagi umno nak bising
M. A. H. A. T. H. I. R
Mahathir akan mulakan sebagai PM
Diikuti Anwar
Dah betullah tu.
Apapun tiada kit siang atau guan eng atau muhyiddin atau mukhriz.. Jangan meroyan lagi k..
H. Keberangkaliannya Husam
A. Azmin
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Kita pun tidak pasti samada ada atau tidak media politik setan online dan talibarut online di Malaysia. Oh ye, nak tanya juga d...
Klik TERKINI APA SUDAH JADI.. # orang kedah makan nasi sebab tu tak berapa nak bodo.. .. POSTING ASAL Kenapa pemban...
Maklumat lanjut cari sendiri.. Dah malas nak tulis panjang²...tulis panjang stau pendek memang dah tentu PH pilihan rakyat, a...
Kikikikikikiki.. Kesian.. Ok la terhibur jgk
ReplyDeleteNampak okey teori ni...maknanye umno dah tersungkur tak bangkit lagi untuk beberapa dekad kerana sejarah hitam pm terakhir dari umno...
ReplyDeleteYg pegang kuasa bila tersungkur susah nak bangkit lagi bila ade sejarah hitam...
ReplyDeleteMaknanya kerier politik anwar pun sekejap ajer lah tu... sebab husam pun boleh jadi calon PM.... sebab kalau tak sure lah husam sudah serenta Tun kalau nak tunggu Anwar puas..... hehehe lawak ...
ReplyDeleteTak de siapa tahu berape lame seseorang boleh berkuasa di masa akan datang....hanye nujum tak berlesen boleh ramalkan mcm duharli kurang masak....
DeleteBagi pm dari PH setakat 2 term sahaja...perkara dah jelas...
DeleteLEPAS R.A.H.M.A.N adalah M.A.H.A.T.H.I.R kamu BUTA?????
Buta apenye tolol?....sape 2 berhak buat andaian yg tak fitnah sesiapa pon...
DeleteMakin hari makin bongok suharli...kalo ko ade teori kluarkan lah....bodoosss betul mangkon ni...mcm mana naji nak menang lagi...
Kalau ada hak buat andaian... jangan lah kata aku nujum phlak.... teman ulas apa yg KD ansaikan.... Wahai kejora bapuk yang "Bijak"....
DeleteP/s: mcm biasalah kome neh... bila tangan yg menunding kena kilas kebelakang... mulah mencirit2 keluar yg kuning asal baunya kena kat orang lain.... tetap tak nak ngaku silap.... sama jer ngan perangai mentor mereka.....
Buatlah andaian tak berkaitan dengan fitnah lawan...
DeleteKD buat andaian dari huruf pemimpin tak menghina dan memfitnah najib ato sesiapa pon......ade paham?...ato KD boleh bagi sendiri penjelasan...ini pon tak berkaitan secara langsung hal politik...
Semasa hampir pru 13 dulu tv3 suku sibok promote umno dan sentiasa perlecehkan selangor dan pulau pinang dan PR....selangor dan penang bertambah kerusi kerajaan selangor dam penang...undi popular meningkat kpd 52%.....
ReplyDeleteSekarang pon tv3 suku sibok perlecehkan Azmin dan guan eng dan PH setiap mlm....apakah sejarah pru 13 berulang dan
terus kuburkan umno?....
Kalo melihat kenyataan najib kurang tido kerana kerja kuat untuk pru 14 seolah najib nak bagitau keadaan umno makin tenat yg memaksa najib berkerja lebih keras dari dulu...
ReplyDeletekerja kuat tabur duit bro....
DeleteKehendak Allah, UMNO tetap utuh & menang
DeleteSaoe dah tahu kehendak Allah?...
DeleteSebuah parti dari kerajaan yg sudah punyer rekod cemerlang dan yakin diterima rakyat bosnye tak perlu bekerja hingga tak cukup tido...memadai kecemerlanganye cukup kuat untuk menolak dakyah pembangkang....tapi kalo imej dah tercalar kerja kuat mana pon hanye sia sia...
ReplyDeleteParliament speaker makes u-turn on redelineation report but…
ReplyDeleteMichael Murty
Pandikar reversed his decision within hours to disallow MPs from reading and taking home the report that proposes the redelineation of electoral areas.
KUALA LUMPUR: Dewan Rakyat Speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia has reversed his decision, within hours, to disallow MPs from reading and taking home the report that proposes the redelineation of electoral areas, after studying the standing orders.
Opposition MPs who were in the midst of opposing the order through a press conference in Parliament here today quickly changed the tune of their statements to reflect Pandikar’s latest decision.
Pandikar reminded MPs that the report could still not be published by March 28.
The DAP’s Serdang MP Ong Kian Ming accused the speaker of abusing his powers.
“The report says that it is embargoed until it is tabled in Parliament. According to the order paper today, the date it is being tabled is today, so when the speaker made the ruling that the contents of this report cannot be reported on until 28 March, this is an unprecedented move in Parliament’s history.
“The budget document is only embargoed for a few hours but this document is embargoed for almost a week.
“Why did the speaker make a ruling that the contents of this report cannot be reported on and MPs are not allowed to speak about it for almost a week? This is unacceptable and a mockery of parliamentary procedure.
“This is another way the speaker has been abusing his power to stop the public and MPs from debating and talking about the report in and out of Parliament. This is an issue of great importance to the nation,” he said at a press conference in Parliament here today.
Ipoh Barat MP M Kulasegaran asked who had given the order for the speaker to not allow the report to be published and discussed by the public.
“Is it the prime minister or EC? They both have their own interests to protect. I have said many times that the prime minister has got very wide discretion on the redelineation proposal, he can change the whole format and present it.
“The speaker should reconsider his decision or the prime minister should order that the report be made public for each citizen to make comments on. There should be nothing secret about this.
“They (BN) should not steal this election, it should be free and fair and they should stand up to the requirements of the public,” he said.
Pokok Sena MP Mahfuz Omar asked if the parliamentary authorities were being so secretive about it because they feared what the public might say of the report.
“It is weird that the speaker told me in the Dewan that my officers are not allowed to read the report. He does know that the printers and Parliament staff could have all read the report, but he is not allowing my own officers, who could be experts in this exercise, to read the report.
“If he is afraid that it will be reported by the media he can always take action against the media that publishes the report,” he said.
Earlier today, Pandikar said MPs were not allowed to take the report out of the Dewan Rakyat or to even read it before it was tabled for its first reading on March 28 as it had been embargoed.
The Dewan Rakyat is expected to pass the redelineation of electoral boundaries next week before Parliament is dissolved for the 14th general election.
Election Commission (EC) chairman Mohd Hashim Abdullah had said that if passed by the Dewan Rakyat, the redelineation motion would be presented to the king for his royal consent.
ReplyDeleteMatlamat dan tujuan sebenar mewujudkan undang-undang berita palsu kini terserlah akhirnya.
Hanya kira-kira seminggu lagi sebelum undang-undang tersebut dibentangkan di Parlimen, Timbalan Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia, Jailani Johari tampil membawa suatu pencerahan yang tidak sukar untuk difahami.
Beliau berkata, secara amnya definasi berita palsu adalah sesuatu berita yang tidak disahkan oleh pihak berkuasa serta pihak yang mempunyai skop bidang tugas atau kepakaran dalam sesuatu perkara itu.
Sambil menyebut tentang 1MDB, katanya, maklumat berkaitan skandal itu adalah ditakrifkan sebagai berita palsu, melainkan yang mendapat pengesahan daripada kerajaan sahaja.
Ini dengan sendirinya bermakna maklumat atau pendedahan skandal 1MDB oleh pihak lain seperti DOJ atau media antarabangsa misalnya, meskipun ia adalah benar dan berfakta, akan tetap dianggap sebagai berita palsu hanya kerana ia tidak disahkan oleh kerajaan.
Bermakna juga, dalam kempen PRU 14 mendatang ini, tiada apa-apa yang boleh diperkatakan lagi mengenai skandal 1MDB.
Soalnya, adakah kerajaan sedia mengesahkan sesuatu berita atau maklumat berkaitan 1MDB yang terkena ke dahi Perdana Menteri sendiri dan mereka yang rapat dengannya?
Lebih malang, bukan saja laporan audit 1MDB telah diOSAkan, malah laporan kewangan syarikat yang diaudit juga tidak dikeluarkan sejak tahun 2014 lagi.
Dengan sendirinya, jika hanya yang disahkan kerajaan saja boleh diperkatakan, manakala yang buruk ditutup atau diOSAkan, makanya hanya yang baik dan indah sajalah yang boleh disebarkan selepas ini.
Apakah akhirnya nanti semua perkara lain juga tidak boleh diperkata atau dihebahkan sama, melainkan yang mendapat pengesahan kerajaan saja?
Bagaimana jika kerajaan sendiri enggan mengesahkan sesuatu berita yang dianggap merugikan mereka?
Cara najib nak tutup kejahatan...
DeleteJka umno menang lagi .lagi banyek wang kerajaan akan disonglap tapi tak boleh disebarkan...diparlimen disekat dari dibincangkan oleh speakern...
Sendiri komen sendiri juga yg balas, inilah akibatnya apabila kuat mkn tahik kering ko sendiri menyebabkan ko kekeringan idea, semakin menggelupur mcm cacing kering kepanasan, dah berlambak lambak buat komen tpi habuk pun tarak semuanya tak jdi kenyataan,jiwa ko semakin kacau, marah dan kecewa demi kecewa...hehehe
DeleteKo tak paham kerana otak ciput....itu dari blog mengenai berita palsu...aku tambah komen aje kasi pedas sikit......hiihihi...itu je yg ko boleh komen?...
DeleteAmanah denounces arrest of party member
ReplyDeletePublished: March 22, 2018 01:35 PM GMT+8
Mazlan was said to be investigated under Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, which criminalises the use of the internet to transmit any communication that is deemed to be offensive and annoying. — Picture by Yusof Mat Isa
Mazlan was said to be investigated under Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, which criminalises the use of the internet to transmit any communication that is deemed to be offensive and annoying. — Picture by Yusof Mat Isa
KUALA LUMPUR, March 22 ― Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) claimed today that the arrest of Persatuan Anak Peneroka Felda Kebangsaan (Anak) chairman Mazlan Aliman was politically motivated.
Earlier today, Mazlan said in a brief posting on Facebook he was arrested by police this morning at his home in Kulaijaya around 1.35am this morning.
Amanah’s Youth vice-chief Shazni Munir Mohd Ithnin said the arrest that took place shortly past midnight was not reasonable and raised doubts.
“We are disappointed with her decision to order her legal representative to lodge a report against him,” Shazni said in a statement, referring to Prime Minister’s wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor.
“What was the magnitude of the crime he has committed that the authorities could not wait until daytime to detain him?”
Mazlan, who is also an Amanah supreme council member, said he was brought to the Kulai police district headquarters for further processing.
It is understood that Mazlan is being investigated under Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, which criminalises the use of the internet to transmit any communication that is deemed to be offensive and annoying, believed to be over a video that linked the prime minister's wife to a failed sturgeon project.
Shazni said Mazlan advocated rights for Felda settlers, adding that a solidarity campaign would be organised for Mazlan.
“We want the real criminal to be arrested, not someone who fights for the rakyat,” he said.
On Monday a lawyer representing Rosmah lodged a police report claiming defamation over a YouTube video allegedly linking the wife of the Prime Minister with a sturgeon project.
NoorHajran Mohd Noor from the law firm of Messrs NoorHajran Mohd Noor, made the report at the Sentul District Police headquarters here.
She said in a statement that the video uploaded on March 7 claiming that Rosmah was behind a failed sturgeon project had jeopardised Rosmah’s reputation and integrity.
The lawyer said the video, uploaded by someone with the nickname of ‘Cap Kapak’, depicted a speech given by an opposition politician alleging Rosmah’s involvement in several Felda investment projects, including the sturgeon project.
The statement by the politician, apparently based on information from a Felda officer, was malicious slander without any evidence and basis, Noor Hajran said.
“Such an allegation has caused prejudice among Netizens and undermined the reputation and integrity of my client,” she added
Teori kepala Taek.
ReplyDeleteBerape kilo dah ko makan kepala tahik cina jho lo...jho lo suruh ko jaga tahi dia...kenape ko telan plak...
Delete12:39. Bapok bodo terkutuk, knpa kau sentap marah dan menggelabah? Kau dibakar oleh setan yg ada dlm diri kau tu ke? Terasa panas ke?...Kihkihkih
DeleteSetan kerja menggoda dan hasut supaya buat yg mungkar seperti subahat bela prompak...aku tak subahat bela prompak...
Deletejadi setan ade dlm body ko...ustaz mana yg ko belajar ugama?...ato ko tak pernah belajar ugama boleh subahat dgn yg mungkar ato merompak bukan kerja mungkar?..hehehehe..m
Tak kisah lah apa pun, pangkah lah apa pun asalkan jangan DAP.
ReplyDeleteOrang kampong semua dah cedik...kalo najib bagi dedak dia orang mao sapu tapi pangkah PH tak kiralah Bersatu PKR Amanah ato DAP...
DeleteMaka akan berulang lah sejarah hitam Semangat 46 selepas PRU 14 nanti. Ulang tayang sejarah hitam ini, kali ini di lakun kan oleh PPBM
ReplyDeletePetbezaan semangat 46 di pimpin oleh orang ygvtak berpendirian teguh...
DeleteJanji janji dalam manifesto PRU 14 Pakatan Harapan sedang di talkinkan satu persatu. Sehingga sebelum PRU 14 nanti akan habislah janji janji itu di talkinkan.
ReplyDeleteJanji manipestol pas tak de umno yg berani komen...hehehehe...bisa sangat manipestol pas...
DeleteManipestol PH dah berjaya gelabahkan umno...hihihihi
Teori plg low class plg bodoh dari KD.. Teruslah berteori
ReplyDeleteKalo ko ade hihh class bukak lah blog sendiri...ko boleh buat teori mana pon classnye...tak de orang kisaah poon...kalo ko ade class jangan lah ko terasa plak teori KD yg tak jemput pon ko bagi komen.....betul tak...
DeleteLps RAHMAN bukan ke RAHIM?
ReplyDeleteMahathi R
A nwar
H usam
Raf I zi
Az M in